Corrie, this article pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole situation. NFL comissioner Roger Goodell has proven to be tough but fair. I am not condoning what Vick did, but I think Goodell has proven to be a mensch in this whole situation. And you know I could learn from Goodell's example. Holding on to anger does no one no good and Vick deserves a Second Chance.
Michael Vick is an American Football player who was arrested and convicted for running a dog-fighting ring, while Pete Rose is one of Baseball best all-time player who has been denied entry into the Baseball Hall of Fame because of gambling. The problem with some Americans is they need to feel morally superior and denying forgiveness makes them feel so.
Look I think what Michael Vick did was horrible. I am a dog owner and a cat owner and I can't imagine doing something to beings who give me unconditional love. The guy did his time and pay his debt to society. Let him have a chance to redeem himself. As for Pete Rose? he did not throw games to directly affect his team. His hubris was not admitting that he gambled on baseball which is a no-no. Still he has been punished long enough.
People forget that just because you forgive someone does not mean you forget what they did. However I believe people deserve second chances.
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People forget that just because you forgive someone does not mean you forget what they did. However I believe people deserve second chances.
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