I nabbed this from
alternaterocker who in turn nabbed it from
spyglass_ I've got a list of 10 of my favorite pairings. All you need to do is give me a number (1-10) and something for them to do, like washing dishes or fighting crime, and I'll write a snippet/ficlet.
My beloved Lee says I need to start writing again so I snaffled this away from her.
Comments 3
4. one gets fired from their job and the other tries to make them feel better
7. arguing while driving home from a meal out
9. there is a powercut and they stay in a room together so that they don't fall over anything or get lost
4 - Peter/Megan (Body of Proof)
7 - Beecher/Keller (OZ) seeing as this is set in a prison, this is going to be one helluva story to write!
9 - Gibbs/DiNozzo (NCIS)
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