Private: [ What. The. Fucking. Hell.
I have never had nightmares. I have never had nightmares which were actually scary.
Waking up sweaty is not pleasant. Showering in the middle of the night takes time. And slipping and hitting your head on the ground when walking back is not funny, damnit.
But most of all, driving a motorbike while half awake is not a smart idea, which forces me to walk to work. At least the walk lets me wake up.
Fucking hell.
So. Damn. Annoying.
If I could, I'd rather not sleep at all.
It all makes me feel like the examination might actually help. I'll just have to remember to mention it to Marui-san on Wednesday -- not like it's such an easy thing to forget. ]
Back at work, rested well enough.
Excuse me if I snap, though, haven't been having good days except for Friday afternoon--.
[[ ooc: strike deleted, and Akaya is suffering from
this. And it is showing that he hasn't been sleeping well. ]]