So it's been about two years since I last used this thing... I know no one reads it, but I still feel that I should've paid more attention to it, as well as my DA. I plan to update this thing more. I hope I can find many friends and possibly join clubs. This isn't the point of this message though.
Around the week leading up to the MLK weekend, I had and epiphany. My school was closed for an entire week because the entire state was covered in snow. No one in my state anticipated snow ice of this magnitude. So school was closed and I had more time to goof off. =] The following Friday/Saturday, I was looking at some old Pokémon websites from It really made me depressed that so many good sites from 2004 - 2008 were now long and dead. I hate I only go to their forums because it was the first place I joined. TCoD is the only Pokémon site I know that isn't dead.
Anyway, looking at websites in the archive and looking at their affiliates, something in my head sparked. I wanted to get back into web-design. I stopped updated my webcomic around 2009 as no one would read it. This literally left me with nothing to do except go to school and play MMORPGs. I didn't draw much of anything in 2010. 2010 was a terrible year for me. I have personal reasons for that, but I'll keep them to myself as this is supposed to be a happy entry. I might make a friend's only entry about how much 2010 sucked.
Trying not to go off topic...I got the idea to make a website. I wanted to make it an image resource site, like Suta-Raito, or the deceased Valley of Nightmares. I always had this idea, but my art was terrible. I had made a webcomic to improve my art and it helped tremendously, but 2010 gave me a huge art block. I told myself I would draw more this year as I want to go to an art college *coughSCADcough* So an image website would be perfect for me.
I can't make it pure Pokémon because it is no longer the only thing my mind centers around anymore. I wouldn't want to make a pure Pokémon site, make it go on hiatus a few months, and create a message somewhere along the lines of, "I'm not that interested in Pokémon anymore so this site would have other anime, gaming, etc on it. Feel free to remove me affiliates." It always irrates me when sites do that. I'm starting to see it more now with budding Pokémon sites. My site will provide images of Pokémon, MapleStory, Trickster Online, and Subeta pets. These are pretty much all the things my online life centers around.
One thing that kept me standoffish about distributing Pokémon images was the fact that has drawn nearly every Pokémon and everyone in the fandom uses his images. I felt no one would want to use my images because arkeis has already taken care of it. Then, I found a niche for my site. It's related to drawing, but at a different approach that I haven't seen fansites do. I don't want to state it here as I don't want anyone to steal my idea. Let's just say, I made the idea back in 2005 but didn't follow through with it because a)my art sucked and b)I was trying to host a website on my own server but was never able to figure out how.
I hope my idea will be a good one. I really need an excuse to draw more. The site is nowhere ready to be advertised yet. I have fully coded the image based layout, but I need to draw a few images for all of my fandoms as well as some images for my super secret idea.
I really need to either create a livejournal layout, or edit the weird mood icons. I want to make this place a reflection of me, like my website. ^,^;