perplex city has nicked a bit of my head.

May 17, 2006 19:30

Perplex Cards for trading behind cut:

Cards available for trade :


#010 - Red - Spot Anything?  (x 2)

#015 - Red - Milo

#019 - Red - Magic Numbers

#020 - Red - Barbeque

#021 - Red - Divide By Three  (x 2)

#024 - Red - Double Vision  (x 2)

#025 - Red - Read Between The Lines

#027 - Red - Bar None


#042 - Orange - Pirates vs Ninjas  (x 2)

#043 - Orange - Use Your Anterior Cingulate

#045 - Orange - Snake Eyes  (x 2)

#048 - Orange - Pop Words

#052 - Orange - The View From Here

#053 - Orange - Etaoin Schrdlu

#054 - Orange - 9 Ball

#056 - Orange - Gravity

#057 - Orange - Volume


#073 - Yellow - Animal Magic

#075 - Yellow - Poison Pill

#079 - Yellow - Strange Loops

#080 - Yellow - Cruel And Unusual  (x 2)

#081 - Yellow - What Car?

#083 - Yellow - Pawnbroking

#084 - Yellow - Insights

#085 - Yellow - Sweet Dreams

#089 - Yellow - Forever Foe

#091 - Yellow - Twisty Little Passages


#106 - Green - Rickety Old Bridge

#107 - Green - Blockword

#109 - Green - Infinite Series

#112 - Green - Three Little Words

#115 - Green - The Age Of Sente

#117 - Green - Band Name Etymology

#118 - Green - Chemistry Experiment

#120 - Green - Cube Tube

#121 - Green - Seven Bridges

#123 - Green - Illogical


#139 - Blue - This Sentence Is False

#141 - Blue - Love Code

#147 - Blue - Directionless


#181 - Purple - Down, A, B, Up, Up, Right

#182 - Purple - Transit

Cards I need :


#001 - Red - Dem Old Bones

#002 - Red - Designer Flakes

#003 - Red - Earth, Sea and Moon

#004 - Red - Zoo Zanyism


#033 - Orange - Turnabout

#034 - Orange - Cocktails

#035 - Orange - Smile

#036 - Orange - Catcher

#039 - Orange - 4 Colour Theorem


#065 - Yellow - Going Underground

#067 - Yellow - Popcorn

#069 - Yellow - Algebragraffiti

#070 - Yellow - Dissolution

#071 - Yellow - Discovery


#098 - Green - Magic Square

#101 - Green - Petals Around The Rose

#102 - Green - Riff


#129 - Blue - Dot Gone

#131 - Blue - Detail

#132 - Blue - Ales of the Earth

#133 - Blue - Don't Play With Your Food

#134 - Blue - Four Friends Acting Up

#135 - Blue - Beadwork

#137 - Blue - Sub Rosa

#140 - Blue - Mornington Crescent

#142 - Blue - Photoshopped

#143 - Blue - Pocket Rockets

#144 - Blue - Mastermind

#149 - Blue - Complex Basic

#150 - Blue - A Journey In The Desert

#151 - Blue - Crazy Talk

#152 - Blue - Barcode Recipe

#153 - Blue - The Spider And The Fly


#162 - Purple - Loopy Pixels

#163 - Purple - Domino Dilemma

#164 - Purple - Weighs and Means

#165 - Purple - Rolling Around

#166 - Purple - Noise

#167 - Purple - Circular

#177 - Purple - Consider A Spherical World

#183 - Purple - Drinking Gourd

#187 - Purple - Logical Fallacies


#193 - Black - Three Thousand Words

#194 - Black - Confounding Cube

#195 - Black - Road Trip

#196 - Black - RGB

#197 - Black - Linguini Junction

#198 - Black - Headrush

#199 - Black - Three

#200 - Black - A Dream of Babel

#201 - Black - Smoke and Mirrors

#202 - Black - Mother Tongue

#206 - Black - Mexid Massege

#208 - Black - Freak Word

#209 - Black - Little Pigley Farm

#211 - Black - Molecular

#213 - Black - We Be Rational Pirates! Arrr!

#214 - Black - Traces

#215 - Black - Harmony

#216 - Black - Formal Logic


#225 - Silver - Broadside

#226 - Silver - Instruction

#227 - Silver - NAND

#228 - Silver - Primer

#229 - Silver - Ball Night

#230 - Silver - Eternally Grateful

#231 - Silver - Cast Adrift 2

#232 - Silver - Water Music

#233 - Silver - The Earth's Destiny

#234 - Silver - Mosaically Challenged

#238 - Silver - Riemann

#241 - Silver - T-L-P

#243 - Silver - Shuffled

#244 - Silver - Syzygy Cube

#245 - Silver - Relativity

#246 - Silver - Homage In Glass

#247 - Silver - Polar

#248 - Silver - Differently Lethal

#249 - Silver - The Angel's Key

#251 - Silver - The Thirteenth Labour

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