Ok, so I wrote a fucking novel. I got no sleep last night, I just got off work, and I can't seem to fall asleep for a nap. So this is my escape. Besides, I haven't posted in awhile, and some things needed to be said. And some things may ramble on. I didn't really proofread this or go back to see if it made comprehensible sense. And I think I just made a redundancy. Whatever. Read on.
She is incredible. All my friends like her. Even the ones she swears doesn't. Never in my life have I met a girl like her. She has everything I could ever ask for. I love her more than life itself. Yesterday was our six month anniversary. Pretty eventful for such an uneventful day, lol. It started out with me hanging out at Rob's for a bit, then cashing my paycheck. Romantic, yes? Then I went to her house, where I was the last in line to interrupt her workout. So she got aggrivated and quit then we went to her brother's complex to use the gym there. We worked out for a bit, and now I can't hold my arms up on the steering wheel. It feels like they're weighed down by.... heavy.... stuff. Anyways, we went back to her house for sandwiches, and then I had to leave for temple. Always fun. I leave temple, and drive like a bat out of hell to get her some flowers. I get to her house, and we drive to Boomers but went to get gas first. It was already 10:45, and I had to open the next day (today), so we eventually decided against it. We drove to Walmart and bought sandwich stuff, the CSI board game, a couple YooHoo's, and magic shell. Sam Gil met us at Morgen's house because she's back from Colorado(?). She showed us some pictures and talked for a bit, then she left. We made sandwiches, and watched "So I Married an Axe Murderer" as I read the manual for how to play the game. It was really complicated so we gave up and watched the movie, which was nice because Mike Myers is the man. Then I left and went to sleep. I love that girl. She makes my world a better place to be. It'll make me sad when she goes to UF. But it's something she has to do, and I'll figure out what it is that I need to do. But for now, I'll just bask in how much I love her.
BTW, New Years was amazing, and I've never had a better New Years, nor could I ask for a better one. I love you so much, and spending that holiday with you was so great.
Friends & apologies
This is where I'd like to apologize to all of my friends who were down for the holidays who I got to see only once (with the exception of Jaime, who I saw a whopping 2 times). And this goes for all of my friends down here as well who I never see. I'm really sorry. That one night we all hung out at Fridays and then in Meagho's room, just talking and hanging out, made me realize that you guys are really great friends, and I value (and miss) what we have. I'm really sorry I didn't go to the beach that one night, but that's just because I would have liked to see Dangie pee on Jaime's leg. I like hanging out with you people type things, and there's no real reason why I didn't (Morgen isn't it for all you nay-sayers, because she liked you guys and would be more than willing to chill as a group). The same thing happened last summer. I saw pretty much no one, but I think it's cuz all I did was work and watch TV instead of doing something. I'm a bum, plain and simple. Hopefully during the summer I'll make more of an effort to spend time with all of you. And while you're away I'll try to be online more and talk to mah homies. I may even post in someones livejournal. That's a thought, lol.
Then there's Rob and Mikal. You tweo are such an odd pair, and I love it, especially how intimidated you are of me when I make my "I'm gonna choke you out" face. Hanging out with you guys is so much fun, albeit boring sometimes when we just sit there watching TV, but you guys help me retain my sanity, and lose some of it, then gain it, then lose it comepletely, and then have it just sit there at zero for awhile, until I gain it back, only for you to make me lose it again. But it's cool. Werd up. I'll spend more time with you guys. But I swear to god, Mikal, I know you got a cell phone, but if you don't stop calling me 27 times a day I'm gonna murder you in your sleep, and steal your money for the gas I spent driving all the way to Ft Lauderdale to kill you.
I hate my job sometimes, but recently things have been looking up for the most part. The swarms of hot chocolate craving maniacs who can't stand the 10 degree change in weather have dissipated, 98% of the customers are using Starbucks cards they got for Christmas so I don't have to deal with change, and the high school students are warming up to get ready to go back to school and go to bed at a normal time, so there aren't 84 emo kids hanging outside 15 minutes to close as much as they used to.
Funny story: never in my life have I almost had to call the cops because of unruly old people. But wednesday was an exception. It was Rob's last day, and we had the outside done, a bar closed, and the frap station all cleaned up by 5 minutes after close, because we rock. 11:15 rolls around and these old people pull out a table and four chairs outside from the stack that had been clearly put away for the night. We had warned them that they couldn't eat there because we had closed and it was STarbucks policy, and it is a safety hazard for us. SO Rob went outside to talk to them and tell them to leave. So, Rob's outside, we're all inside, and I see Rob talking very quickly and making a lot of hand gestures... I jokingly said to everyone inside that Rob got told by an old guy. I didn't know that was the truth. Rob comes inside and slams the door, cursing about how they're "gonna die soon anyways" and "I hope they get diabetes". Evidently things went badly. So, it was very interesting. At least it was for me. Shut up.
The comic
So, my sister is in California right now, visiting various people, namely her boyfriend Adam. But that's no the point. She went to this big comic store in Hollywood, right in the heart of the town, and she met the guy who owns it and was talking to him. It turns out that he sells inividual comics like what I've been doing for $1-5, depending on something-or-another. So my sister said that she would finance the first two, including printing, postage, and anything else I need. Sweet, yes? It gets better. He will buy them from me. Basically, he sells them for twice what he buys them for. So if he buys my comic at $0.50, then he'll sell it at his store for $1. And on top of that, My sister said that her friend would be willing to be my financial backing for the whole thing, so basically she pays for production of it, and I get the money from selling it.
And as far as art goes, my cousin Guy is gonna get me in touch with his friend Sara who just applied to Pixar, and she's gonna help me by explaining what to put in my portfolio and how it should be organized and whatnot. And my mom is gonna sit me down with this who I evidently know, and he's gonna help me with pretty much the same thing and tell me what school would be best for my area of interest and other cool stuff like that. Who says that if I'm gonna be a starving artist that I have to be dirt poor with a minimum education? I can be semi-poor with a great education, dammit! Lol.
My bass playing is coming along quite nicely. I'm not practicing quite as much as I should be, but I still rock it like it's hot (lol, Snoop D-O-double-G ownz). I'm playing guitar a little bit as well. I'm working on some solos from songs to get my picking and fretboard movement a little better. But who cares about guitar? With the bass, I'm working mainly on fretboard and finger movement (which ownz right now, but could be a bit faster), improv soloing and such, and theory. I got the Dreamtheater fulll score anthology from my love for Christmas (lol), and I've been practicing with that with my bass teacher. I really like playing that stuff cuz it really moves and give a good excercise. Plus, it makes you look good when people watch cuz of the constant finger movement.
Speaking of bass lessons, I'm taking my friend Seth's advice and I'm gonna teach bass. I'm only gonna take on a few students at first as a kind of teaching trial to see how I do. But it should be fun, and I might even learn something. I have no idea if I'm qualified to teach, but that's why I'm trying it out at first. I should be able to teach theory and technique at the elementary level at least. If anyone online here is interested, just gimme a holla and a hoot and we'll set something up.
The end. I didn't acutally expect anyone to read all of this. I skip most of the entries on my friends page. So I can only assume most other people are like that too. But, in case you do read my LJ, I broke it up ever so conveniently in chapters to make the interesting parts more accessible in case you don't care about one of the topics. I know, I'm a dork with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on his hands. Whatever. To each his own. Later days.