2nd Chakra & Hooping.

Feb 11, 2010 13:33

This is from my friend Lulu.

I posted this in my journal and in the forums, so sorry about spaming you all! But I think this is interesting and want to share and connect with you all about it. And I though this group was a great place for it. <3 Lulu


So I've been studying the Chakras for my final project in my yoga teacher training course, and I've come across some clear connections between the 2nd chakra, hoopdance, and our community. It's all stuff we already knew, but it's neat to see how clearly it all comes back to our sacral center.

So, the 2nd Chakra is about: Flow, Movement, Flexibility, Creativity, Pleasure, Touch, Sensuality

And a Balanced/Opened 2nd Chakra gives one: Self-Confidence, Independence, Self-Purpose, Sense of Self, Internal Balance of Feminine and Masculine Principles, Connection with the Universe and an Ability to Flow with it

Does any of this sound familiar to you hoopers? :-)

The 2nd Chakra is located about 2 inches below our belly button, in line with our sacral vertebrae, it is a spinning vortex of orange light that flows out from that area of our body.

The 2nd Chakra can be nurtured and opened with movements of the pelvis and lower back. Yoga exercises such as Folds, Twists, Low Back Bends aid the 2nd Chakra. Movements of the hips as seen in Middle Eastern Dance (circles, slides, fig 8s, shimmies) help to awaken it's energy. So it should come as no surprise that Hoop Dance, with the movement of the hoop located at hip and waist level should cause such a connection to the 2nch chakra to occur.

But even more than simply moving the hips and low belly/back in hoop dance, we are doing so much more for our 2nd Chakra. The hoop is Touch. We connect with our hoop, feeling it's pressure as it alternates gently bumping our body. Humans need contact. We seek out nurturing touch from our parents, friends and lovers. We need that connection to open and nurture our 2nd Chakra, giving us a sense of belonging and being loved. The hoop gives us that touch, along with a rhythm, aiding us with the Flow of our inner selves. It brings us excitement and pumps our heart, cleansing our circulatory system which is also governed by the 2nd Chakra.

When we play with our hoops we release Creativity. We experiment with all the possibilities of this union of hoop and body. Through this process we gain, Flexibility, a sense of completion and pride and a connection to Flow. This fosters Self-Confidence, and aids us in our journey towards a Sense of Self and Independence. We feel a connection to ourselves and our bodies. We explore Pleasure and Sensuality.

And as we progress through our studies, we combine our masculine properties of power and structure with our feminine properties of creativity and fluidity to create the ultimate state of movement... that which we rightfully call: Flow. We need to nurture and explore both sides of ourselves to find this state. If we ignore the feminine in ourselves we become rigid and inflexible, unable to move smoothly through our dance; we conquer tricks but cannot find ease and flow in our dance. If we ignore the masculine in ourselves we become flighty and lack in control; we feel the connection between music, body and hoop, but lack the discipline and drive to work through our hoop challenges and support our flow.

Our Chakras are not a once and for all fix, but are continuous cycles that need attention and nurturing. We may care for, explore and open a chakra during one stage in life only to neglect and close off the same chakra later on. It is for this reason we must continue our connections with all parts of our being throughout our lives. This is why we may find Creativity and a Connection with Flow in our hooping, only later to feel blocked and useless in our dance. Sometimes this is a necessary shutdown so that our bodies and inner minds can process all the work we do (plateaus are a point of necessary rest before the next hurdle). But then sometimes it could be that we are ignoring parts of ourselves connected with our 2nd Chakra and we need to spend some quality time with ourselves so we can open up to Flow again.

We also see a connection of like minded beings in our Community. We see a collection of beautiful caring, open, wild, independent, creative like beings in numbers that we may not encounter elsewhere. It think this comes from two things... Either one comes into hoop dance with an already open 2nd chakra, attracted to the qualities of hooping as they reflect themselves, and interested in using hooping as a means of nurturing and continuing the openness of their 2nd chakra. Or we find one comes to hoop dance with an injured, unbalanced (most likely closed down 2nd chakra). Here the person is attracted to the quality in hooping that they lack and so desperately need in their own lives, and from the journey of hoop dance, open themselves up into becoming the radiant being they could be. :-)

Ways to Balance the 2nd Chakra: Explore Creativity (in any form... but especially thru touch), Taste, Explore your Senses, Touch, Enjoy Physical Contact with Loved Ones, Relax your resistance, Open your Hips (yoga, dance), Be open to Pleasure, Explore your Sensuous Self, Connect with your Masculine and Feminine sides, Flow, Feel

Exercises to Balance the 2nd Chakra:

Put on some flowing music, close your eyes and let your body move with the fluidity, do not force or over think your movements, try to connect with and feel out the music and let your body become an instrument of that connection and flow.

Take a bath or shower and enjoy the sensation of the warmth (or coolness) and smoothness of the water on your skin. Take your time and slowly cleanse your body, giving it love and breathing slowly, exhaling and cleansing anything negative in you. Be tender and gentle with yourself, just as you may want a lover to be.

Prepare a delicious meal, take time in and enjoy the creativity of playing with the colors and tastes of your dish.

Eat a delicious meal or treat. Take your time and slowly chew, tasting all the levels and allowing your saliva to flow. Really be mindful of the act of tasting and eating. Enjoy.

Give or Receive a massage from a friend, loved one or professional. Massage yourself. Massage your pet. :-)

Hug a loved one!

Now.... my questions to you... for you to ask yourselves, and hopefully share with us:

Think about your journey in hoop dance...

Did you experience an awakening in yourself, either spiritually, sensually or personality-wise? Definitely spiritually. It's as if my roots were there, hanging in existence - time, space, the universe - and the hoop took root within myself. My roots dug deeper. In turn, my yoga practice has deepened as well. I feel they are largely connected. Sensually, I feel very connected with this circular piece of plastic. It's much more than that now. It's an appendage. Sensual also in the form of bliss or mediation. When I'm truly connected with my flow, within myself, all thoughts stop. All you can absorb is feeling. Spinning, twirling, isolating, etc. Movement mediation. Reset button. Creative dance. YOUR flow, your inner beauty shines through movement. In conclusion, a huge awakening took place within myself.

Have you found hooping to heal, challenge, or form your self is some way? Very much so. It's my cigarette. My personality has opened and expanded vastly with color.

Are there times when you have experience a blockage in your hoop dance? Much like a writer experiences writers block, I feel that with the hoop as well. I try not to get frustrated. You can only take in so much information at one time. Let it marinate.

If you have experienced a blockage... do you think it was a necessary shut down/rest time or during this time, were you closed off from aspects of yourself such as flexibility and flow (mental and physical), creativity, connection to others, your senses, confidence, purpose, etc?
The winter months really contribute to my blockages. It's difficult to find a warm space inside. And much of my creativity comes from the sun. But I know it won't be this way forever. Make due with what you have and wait it out.

What have you done to open yourself up to creativity and flow? Be kind and humble. Push out good karma, it comes back to you.

Do you feel a balance between the masculine and feminine parts of your personality? Yes, and I love it! I was always a tomboy. The hoop definitely brings out a more feminine side. A fluid more delicate side that I love dabbling into.

Do you notice a connection between your ability to interact with others and your ability to connect with your hoop? The hoop has also helped with social interaction! Talking to complete strangers ain't no thang. People love it.

During your practice sessions, do you feel most comfortable free-styling it or working on tricks? It varies. If one move really appeals to me, I'll practice that over and over. But generally I just like to jam.

Are you willing to challenge yourself to work more with your non-dominate style to find balance in your dance? That's been my focus as of late.

What thoughts and emotions has this article brought up in you? I can't wait for my teacher training to start. Deepen the experience!

yoga, chakras, hoopdance

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