Fill Girl POV prompt by Moerlin

Dec 06, 2012 23:00

Title:  Fill for a prompt by Moerlin, Girl POV
Author: Fremi08
Rating:  PG
Disclaimer:  I don't own any of the characters and mean no harm.

So, this is my first fanfic ever. I know it's not very good, but hey, I tried. Please be gentle... I could use some encouragement ;-).

Wow, Amanda thought to herself. I didn’t think I’d ever come back here.

She walked through Old Town slowly, taking in the sights of Oakdale, noticing that nothing had really changed much during her years away.

She remembered how happy she’d been to get away all those years ago, to go to college and expand her wings. She wanted to taste life, taste it good and do everything that mom and dad told her not to do.

And, that’s exactly what she did and she’d liked it. She had been partying with a lot of people, had been with a lot of guys and loved to flirt and tease, hell, she even kissed a girl and she liked it! But none of it had led to anything lasting or meaningful. Partying was a lot of fun for some time, but after a while she got bored. It was always the same.

So lately she’d been looking for an opportunity to get out of there. Her study meant nothing to her, her heart wasn’t in it.

And when her mother called and started talking about how lonely she was since her father passed away last year, she didn’t even hesitate and answered the unspoken question by telling her mother she would be happy to move back home.

This was her second day back, the first was spent unpacking, re-decorating her old room and talking, a lot of talking with her mother.

This morning she told her mother she wanted to explore the town again. See what had changed. As it turned out, nothing really had. And here she was wondering the streets of Oakdale again, thinking about her life.

When she passed Al’s, she could help herself en peeked through the windows. She thought she saw a few faces that looked vaguely familiar. Scanning the booths her gaze landed on a mop of blond twisty hair, framing an angelic face that was momentarily scrunched in concentration as the brown eyes were reading something on a laptop.

It was Luke. Luke Snyder.

God, did she have a crush on him at school. He was just to good to be true, so sweet and nice and so good looking. She used to fantasize about him, hoping that he would notice her one day. Really notice her and not just say hello in class or in the hallway. But no matter how many times she managed to get a seat next to him, he never really did notice her. He was friendly and polite, but definitely not interested.

And a year later she knew why. Because Luke came out of the closet, Luke was gay. And things started to go downhill for him. His crush on Kevin (everybody knew about that), his drinking, his medical situation and then, finally, he landed himself a boyfriend. Noah. Amanda shuddered thinking about him. What a douchebag he was. She supposed he was somewhat good looking, but he wasn’t very good for Luke. It didn’t take a genius so see that. She often wanted to tell Luke that he didn’t have to put up with someone like Noah, that he could do better. But is wasn’t her place. Luke barely knew Amanda. He didn’t know she was watching hem for afar for years. Seeing him get hurt over and over again had pained her heart. Over the years he popped into her mind every now and then and she wondered if he ever got rid of Noah.

And now there he was.

That beautiful but troubled boy she knew in highschool, had obviously grown into a very handsome, attractive man. His hair was shorter, his sideburns longer and he filled his button-down shirt nicely, with a nice view of his chest hair through the open first few buttons. Amanda immediately knew again why she had a crush on him.

She slipped through the door into Al’s and waited her turn to order, while gazing at Luke.

There was something different about him though, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. He had closed his laptop and was now determinedly tapping on his phone, a smile slowly forming on his face.

When it was Amanda's turn to order, she quickly ordered a chocolate milkshake and sat down on a stool. Even though she knew he would never be interested in her, she never forget about him. She just wanted him to be able to be himself and just be happy. When she moved away, he was maybe just becoming himself, but he certainly was not happy.

Looking at him now, she realized that was what was different about him. Luke looked happy. Just now as his phone beeped and he immediately picked it up and read the message, his cheeks turned red and a big goofy smile formed on his face. Amanda couldn’t help but smile along with him. Amanda didn’t have to wait long for the reason why Luke was so happy.

She watched him gaze at the door and suddenly his face lit up as he jumped up and walked towards the door.

Amanda quickly turned on her stool and watched Luke disappear into the arms of a handsome man. She couldn’t see much of the man but some short red/brown short curls and a big hand with long fingers at the back of Luke’s head. All she knew was that he was kissing Luke very thoroughly. Right there in the middle of Al's.

When they broke apart, they held each other tight and she heard Luke say “I missed you.” The man (Luke’s boyfriend?) said “I missed you too, mister Snyder. Come on, let’s get out of here. Let’s go home.”

“Yeah. Let's go.” Luke breathed. And with their arms around each other, hands resting on each others ass, they walked out of the diner into the daylight, stealing kisses as they went. Yeah, definitely his boyfriend.

Amanda sighed. It turned out Luke was doing okay. No, by the looks of it, he was doing more than okay. He was obviously very much in love with someone who made him happy.

Now, if only that could happen for her too, she just might…

“Amanda? Is that you?” She turned around and looked into a pair of surprised eyes.

“Casey? Casey Hughes? What a surprise! How are you?”

“Mind if I sit down?” He asked. No. No, she didn’t mind. She didn’t mind at all…

drabble-a-thon, atwt, lure, fanfic

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