Title: Love's history
Characters: Squalo, Dino
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Table: Classic revised
Prompt: Love
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Amano Akira.
Notes: ♪ Yeah, last one~!!!!
Love is an irrational and unconscious feeling. Love cannot be controlled nor commanded. Love does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and the strongest will wouldn’t make it act otherwise. If you have the chance to truly know what love is, then you have two choices: live it until you die from it, or run away. Both will make you suffer anyway, because there’s nothing more destructor than love. You’ll always find people who’ll tell you that love is the greatest thing in the world, and that no one will ever be complete before knowing true love. Ask them how ends the most beautiful love stories, they’ll answer that love is worth all the sacrifices.
Are humans able to make sacrifice in the name of love?
Love shouldn’t call for sacrifices. Love should be given and taken, love should be enjoyed, love should make us able to bring the moon down.
But History says all. Love is hatred’s little sister. Love walks hand in hand with pain. You’ll hurt the one you love the most, you’ll destroy the one who loves you. When love will be gone, you won’t remember the good moments. You’ll only remember the pain, and the regrets to know that at a time, you’d been happy with someone you loved.
That is love’s history.
That is Dino Cavallone and Superbi Squalo’s story.