Music meme!

May 14, 2010 13:11

Put your music player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The twenty-first song's first line is the title.

I Don't Want You Comin' Here
I like to learn things slow
If you're scared and it shows cause you're watching them grow
There are twelve hours, there's a day between us
I was taking a walk, when I saw you pass by
There's a smell here that stands my hairs on end
If you think you're bulletbroof, you're right
So the saying says an elephant never forgets
Well I'm back in your good graces again
Today is the day I realized that I could be loved
Watch me fly away through the night sky
I used to think if I could realize I'd die then I'd be a lot nicer
It's a bad man's world, it's a bad man's world
I should've known with a boy like you, you're middle name is Always
If you can't sleep, I'll be there in your dreams
Get a real job, keep the wind at your back and the sun on your face
Why do I always wanna sock it to ya hard?
When we were children I would back you a mudpie, hard and brown beneath the sun
They come to town when the war is over, dirty boots in the middle of the night
When I met you, I didn't know what to do
Pretty bird, pretty bird, why are you so still?
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