Feb 27, 2009 14:13
To be flat-out honest, I don't know where this game is going with player participation dropping off. We have threads that were started last year that haven't really gone anywhere. The Autobot City thread is the only one that has moved in the past week. I don't know what else I can do, as a mod, to nudge things along. We gave you setting and circumstances, but I'm not a mind reader so I'm not sure what each of you intended to get out of this. Sorry to sound snarky, but this boat could possibly go under.
If you're no longer interested in the game or if you don't have the time to make your threads go on or RL is keeping you busy, please say so. If the game itself is a drag, please say so.
Due to some RL stuff I'm going to be dropping a few of my characters soon. Definite keepers are Starscream, Blaster, and Rattrap. I'm still deciding who else.
Sunstreaker has also been dropped and was NPC'ed back to the Ark. He is no longer available to be NPC'ed but is available for re-apping.