YAY FOR PICSPAM!!! GAWD!!! How GOOD was that episode? Seriously?? I'm SOOO with you!!! And yes it's AWESOME to have seen Katherine in such a different part! I dug it!! CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK!!!
IT WAS A GREAT EPISODE! I think what made it that much better was that we had to wait like a month for it. Katherine was AMAZING! Its so weird having her play this happy go lucky girl instead of emo/bitchy/werewolf Ginger. :P Who I ADORE tons!
IT WAS A GREAT EPISODE! I think what made it that much better was that we had to wait like a month for it.
Exactly! And I was thinking the same thing about Katherine. It was SO strange to see her playing this more normal happy-go-lucky time of character because she's been mostly typecast as a bitchy scream queen...
- TV remake of "Carrie" she plays a snotty bitchcake that is mean to Carrie.
- "Freddy vs. Jason" typical chick who makes-with-the-sex-and/or-nekkidness-then-dies.
- Of course "Ginger Snaps" playing Ginger. (Who I also totally adore.) Not to mention the 2 other movies in that little independent franchise.
So yeah seeing her in this part was interesting and a nice change. I wonder if we'll see her again before the season's over?
Man, Jensen and Jared outdid themselves this time with all the hotness. How can they not know what they're doing to the fangirls? How can we not slash them?! It's a physical impossibility I tell you!
Dean in bondage and Sammy with his big paws/Porn Hand O' Doom! The hotness hurts me. And then Dean begs and later grabs hold of Sammy's face to see if he's okay... It's all I can do not to scream "They're doing it!" at the top of my lungs.
Also, yay Ash and Ava! Jesse and Ginger! They should be on the show all the time. They're just too adorable; Ash with his mullet and Ava with her "I just stole the confidential files of a dead man... I'm awesome"
Your picspams always make my day so much better! I shall update my journal (eventually) with a link to this so I can spread the love.
OMG Dean having to kill Sammy... Jesus ripped my heart in two.. gah and Ava=HELLA AWESOME DUDE! wtf Gordon and Did you notice the pinky extension when Sam hand the gun on him? tee hee! BONDAGE DEAN and guh *explodes* *end incoherant ramblin*
*is still recovering from Dean omgcaressing touching Sam's neck*
Holy fuck, I was expecting a make out session. There should have been a makeout session. Jesus Christo that episode was well worth the wait man.
And a thought: You know how Gordon was all I gots Roadhouse connections? JoEvil h0ry h0r maybe?
I KNOW! I really didn't expect that at all! I mean Sam is EVERYTHING to Dean! L;KDL;SK;FD GOD I LOVE THE BOYS! Ava is so RAD! Gordon! LOL No I didn't see that, but I'll look carefully when the episode finishes downloading. I hate that it takes so LONG! DEAN BOUND. ^______^
AS AM I! Kripke is killing me!
Makeout session would have so happened if this was a FANGIRLS mind. And hey...who said they can't makeout. *goes to find fanfiction*
It could be Jo! I hope it is so DEAN can KILLLLL her DED. Seriously. I HATE HER! The mention of her name infuriates me.
Question: Do you have alot of RL friends who watch SPN? Ratings arn't doing so hot. :(
I think it is a fact in this fandom that everyone hates Jo. Therefore she must DIE. AND ZOMG DEAN SHOULD KILL HER DEAD!! BEST THING EVER.
:( x2353453453!!!! See I blame Grey's Anatomy for ratings. I know I'm all making with the hypocracy and shit because I watch it. But srsly it's not that great of a show if you really sit and pay attention. Most of the characters (except Izzie) aren't as developed and interesting as DEAN. Just srsly Meredith BUGS THE SHIT out of me. I want to spork her eyes out. I srsly wouldn't watch it if it weren't for it being on an hour earlier on CTV, because SPN kicks it's ASS. Gah.
And yes. I make all my friends watch it. They ARE IN LURVE with it. Just how can you not be? Best show, best fandom hands down EVEREVEREVEREVER.
Oh, God she has to die! When she appears again this is going to be me = :( DEAN SHOULD KILL HER! BECAUSE SHE TRIES TO HURT SAMMY AND YOU KNOW THAT NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT SAMMY!
Same. Grey's isn't what it use to be to me. I mean I still love the show and watch it EVERY Thursday. But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to. I have satallite so I watch SPN at 6 pm and GA at 9 pm.
YAY GOOD! I want to convert people, but it seems my friends arn't like me in that sense. :< There weirded out on Thursday's when my friend Air and I go to the school store and buy "Jared Pedalecki Candies" (Those rainbow candies Jar was eating during " A day in the life of Jared and Jensen ")We buy some every Thursday in celebrating of the nights NEW episode! GOD I LOVE THESE BOYS!
Comments 54
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Exactly! And I was thinking the same thing about Katherine. It was SO strange to see her playing this more normal happy-go-lucky time of character because she's been mostly typecast as a bitchy scream queen...
- TV remake of "Carrie" she plays a snotty bitchcake that is mean to Carrie.
- "Freddy vs. Jason" typical chick who makes-with-the-sex-and/or-nekkidness-then-dies.
- Of course "Ginger Snaps" playing Ginger. (Who I also totally adore.) Not to mention the 2 other movies in that little independent franchise.
So yeah seeing her in this part was interesting and a nice change. I wonder if we'll see her again before the season's over?
Man, Jensen and Jared outdid themselves this time with all the hotness. How can they not know what they're doing to the fangirls? How can we not slash them?! It's a physical impossibility I tell you!
Dean in bondage and Sammy with his big paws/Porn Hand O' Doom! The hotness hurts me. And then Dean begs and later grabs hold of Sammy's face to see if he's okay... It's all I can do not to scream "They're doing it!" at the top of my lungs.
Also, yay Ash and Ava! Jesse and Ginger! They should be on the show all the time. They're just too adorable; Ash with his mullet and Ava with her "I just stole the confidential files of a dead man... I'm awesome"
Your picspams always make my day so much better! I shall update my journal (eventually) with a link to this so I can spread the love.
*is still recovering from Dean omgcaressing touching Sam's neck*
Holy fuck, I was expecting a make out session. There should have been a makeout session. Jesus Christo that episode was well worth the wait man.
And a thought: You know how Gordon was all I gots Roadhouse connections? JoEvil h0ry h0r maybe?
DEAN BOUND. ^______^
AS AM I! Kripke is killing me!
Makeout session would have so happened if this was a FANGIRLS mind. And hey...who said they can't makeout. *goes to find fanfiction*
It could be Jo! I hope it is so DEAN can KILLLLL her DED. Seriously. I HATE HER! The mention of her name infuriates me.
Question: Do you have alot of RL friends who watch SPN? Ratings arn't doing so hot. :(
:( x2353453453!!!! See I blame Grey's Anatomy for ratings. I know I'm all making with the hypocracy and shit because I watch it. But srsly it's not that great of a show if you really sit and pay attention. Most of the characters (except Izzie) aren't as developed and interesting as DEAN. Just srsly Meredith BUGS THE SHIT out of me. I want to spork her eyes out. I srsly wouldn't watch it if it weren't for it being on an hour earlier on CTV, because SPN kicks it's ASS. Gah.
And yes. I make all my friends watch it. They ARE IN LURVE with it. Just how can you not be? Best show, best fandom hands down EVEREVEREVEREVER.
Same. Grey's isn't what it use to be to me. I mean I still love the show and watch it EVERY Thursday. But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to. I have satallite so I watch SPN at 6 pm and GA at 9 pm.
YAY GOOD! I want to convert people, but it seems my friends arn't like me in that sense. :< There weirded out on Thursday's when my friend Air and I go to the school store and buy "Jared Pedalecki Candies" (Those rainbow candies Jar was eating during " A day in the life of Jared and Jensen ")We buy some every Thursday in celebrating of the nights NEW episode! GOD I LOVE THESE BOYS!
I want to go stalk Vancouver airport. <3
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