1} last thing you burned while attempting to cook? melted chocolate
2} describe yourself in three "s" words: stupid, sarcastric and slow.
3} how long does it take you to get ready for your day? about 45 min.
4} favorite place to blow $50? Carsand Mosher Photomemories.
5} how many people have you thought were "the one"? All of them.
6} what is something that turns you off from the opposite sex? Dirt
7} what kind of car do you drive? none, Ryan has a Civic
8} what's in your CD player/ipod right now? Jack Johnson
9} what celebrity would you have coffee with? Stephen King
10} what celebrity would you NOT have coffee with? Lyndsay Lohan.
11} what kind of toothpaste do you use? crest mint.
12} what time do you go to bed? I aim for 11pm
13} last movie you saw? Just Friends.
14} last TV show you watched? Breakfast Televsion.
15} who is your best friend? Ryan.
16} who in your family do you best get along with? mom or Amy.
17} who do you have a crush on? Ryan
18} what time is it right now? 8:12am.
19} are you planning a vacation/travel? Maine in July 2006.
20} when/where was the last time you traveled? Jamaica September 2005.
21} how many times have you been in love? twice.
22} how old will you be in 10 years? 33.
23} where do you see yourself in 10 years? With children, in a house.
24} sinful snacking weakness? Carbs.
25} rollercoasters? sometimes.
26} ever run out of gas? in the car I dont own?
27} ever been on a train? yes.
28} ever been on a blind date? no, but almost in like grade 7 with a fag named Zac Flynn from Dorchester
29} ever been to europe? no thank fuck
30} what would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? play with myself.
31} would you tell anyone it was really you? no?
32} ever been arrested? no.
33} have a crush on anyone you work with? God no, seeing how they are all lesbians
34} what is something you believe in? heaven.
35} what is something you fear? hell, AIDS.
36} big or small? Medium
37} what is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced? when I needed stitches probably, or when I had an allergic reaction to milk
38} what is your favorite television show? SNL.
39} ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture? no.
40} tell us something about your childhood: I taught all the good kids the swear words.
41} what would it cost for you to flash the person next to you? Id do it for free
42} best time to catch you in a good mood? 6:15 pm.
43} if you could be anything for one day, what would it be? Rich
44} most prized possesion? pics.
45} would you ever sell it/how much? no, but yes If I had the negatives :P
46} what is one of your pet peeves? chewing with your mouth open.
47} favorite kind of ice cream? bubblegum.
48} coolest thing that happened today? It's Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday.