
May 30, 2007 14:18

SO... My next door neighbors, Carlos and Georgana just gave me the most awesome present! They are beer steins from Germany with the little lids on them and everything. One of them has a really ornate silver top and the other one has a man and a woman dancing on the top. Very nice of them ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

dmasuda May 31 2007, 11:22:33 UTC
Hi Molly, how are you? That's exciting moving to a new place and all. I just moved too in a manner of speaking. Afghanistan is now my home for the next 9 months or so. Maybe you don't even read this, but I just wanted to say hi, later!


freshlyminted June 2 2007, 07:58:50 UTC
Hey, Derek! YEah that's crazy, I read you were in Afghanistan.. I can't even picture you in the Army even, haha. I always just remember you making coffee and movies. But yeah I am doing really well. I never seem to update anymore, though. I guess I should, to keep people apprised and all that, but I just don't really remember to anymore. Anyway, I hope you are safe and come back all in one piece! I actually thought of you today cause I still have your book, American Psycho, and I saw it today while I was packing.


dmasuda June 2 2007, 11:42:43 UTC
You still have my book? Ha, that's funny. Sometimes I can't picture myself in the Army either, but every day I wake up and it's still true. So you leave for New York soon, yeah? Maybe I can visit you there sometime and we can talk about movies and artsty stuff. Give me your address, I'll write you a letter. Postage is free if you're deployed:)


emotionriot May 31 2007, 17:56:14 UTC
so since you're leaving, you should find your way to san francisco for flo's vegetarian spaghetti ;)


(The comment has been removed)

freshlyminted June 2 2007, 08:02:37 UTC
yeah, I guess I am flying... it wasn't the plan, but I think my lack of monies will pretty much force me to make things as quick and cheap as possible. Fortunately, I am moving in with my boyfriend, so I will at least have dishes and silverware and a bed to sleep in and stuff right away. Plus lots of hand-me-downs and stuff. Stan (my boyfriend) actually got a Serta Sleeper Sofa for FREE on craigslist!! That place is the shit, man. You haven't updated in a while, I noticed. But then neither have I, especially with anything interesting. This is long. Peace.


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