[CHARLOFT] Monday - writing partners

May 22, 2012 15:51

1. Do you have writing buddies?
I do. One that I play with steadily, others that I play with regularly, still others that I play with when they want to. I've learned that it's never necessary to beg for writing partners and people will if they want to. Not everyone is forthcoming with their wants/needs.

2. How did you meet each other? Do you interact in person or over the internet?
My very best friend in the world (in person), is someone I met through roleplay eight years ago. Others I've talked to on the phone or texted. Still others and I have exchanged Christmas/Birthday/How are you? cards. I enjoy that kind of interaction, but not everyone does.

3. What kind of support do you give one another? Beta reading? Late night chats about plot? Writing parties or word wars?
Word wars are something I don't even think about until November, and then I get a twitch. Mostly, I talk to my writing people/RP people over AIM and in emails and it's usually about plot or sharing fun links from around the internet.

4. Do they write the kind of stories or the same genre as you?
Heavens, no. My friends are all far more talented than I am.

5. Have you ever collaborated on a story?
Yes, and I'm grateful for the opportunities when they happen because I think that it helps strengthen my writing.

charloft: monday

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