//Name: Ranna(nickname is teddy you can call me that if you like).
//Age: sorry im 12.
//Do you have a penis or a vagina? Vagina! =D
//Country: United States
//Fave food: hmmm… ice cream, pizza, pirates booty, popcorn, steak, chips, and yea.lol.
//Top 5 Movies: NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE! Hehe. Phantom of the opera(im a dancer) Chicago, Moulin Rouge, JakAss the movie.
//Top 5 bands/artists: The Killers, Syste
//Pepsi or Cola?
//How often do you eat cheese? Prolly
//Why are you hawt? I do not know, it’s a natural thing I’ve been so lucky to have been born with. Lol jk. No umm ppl say my eyes, skin, and eyebrows, and body and lips. Practicly everything but my PERSIAN nose. =(
//Why should we accept you? Because I think I would be able to be very active and promo this community a lot! =D
//If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would that sentence be?
+ outgoing
//Pics: (At least 5)
I made a lil sign for my friend to put on her myspace. =)
me at the dance studio with my friend jen. Im on the left.
//Put our promotion banner on 2 Live Journals and 3 Communities AND give us links to prove it:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/geek_alert411/12380.html?view=38236#t38236 http://www.livejournal.com/users/_wink_ova_here_/11714.html?view=56514#t56514 Communities:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/the__popular/258.html http://www.livejournal.com/community/hxc_xheartbreak/4849.html http://www.livejournal.com/community/___coolness/1456.html