Title: The Fifth Night-In Which Quinn Fabray Tries To Resist The Urge-To Get Into Rachel Berry's Pants-And The Irony Of Rachel Wearing Skirts (And Other Forms Of Torture)
freshtilapia Rating: NC-17 (for the whole series)
Length: 4,752
Spoilers: Season 1 & 2
Summary: (see Title; or the sequel to
Summer Mornings, with the usual fluff and the promise of sex
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Comments 49
Awkward!Judy was great, I'm looking forward to the dinner/sleepover and the inevitable nervousness all around. Though I imagine Rachel with either not be nervous or will do such a good job at making Quinn nervous/embarrassed that Rachel's feelings will be set aside temporarily.
I hope you're motivated to write and post the sixth night soon (and how happy am I that the entries are including more than just the title-described time period? :D). Looking forward to more!
I’m glad you liked Awkward!Judy and I’m looking forward to writing that dinner, too, where there will be more Awkward!Judy.
I haven’t written the opening lines to the sixth night yet and I have to get those right so I hope they come to me soon (A big reason why I probably love this night is because it’s set mostly in the morning lol). Thank you so much! :D
Looking forward to the sixth night
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Quinn realized she should’ve prepared a speech a long time ago lol! I’m really happy to finally have the opportunity to torture her as much as I did in this night and that you love the awkwardness and the cuteness and the sweetness. I always love making you smile.
I almost feel sorry for Quinn being teased like that but having Rachel naked behind you isn’t so bad, right? lol I hope you get a better idea of where Judy stands in the sixth night.
Thank you so much! As always.
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I dash to my car and don’t look back but I see Rachel when I roll up my window, standing on the side, looking like a kicked puppy, with her arms wrapped around her waist.
Try ignoring that.
…I can’t.
besides the naked teasing, and the awkward conversation with the dads...oh, I just love the whole thing.
I think your favorite lines are always a bit different than others’
besides the naked teasing, and the awkward conversation with the dads...oh, just, thank you so much, Matthew! :)
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