Title: The Second Night-In Which Quinn Fabray Hides Her True Feelings For Rachel Berry-Not That She Wants To-It's Just More Fun (And Tiring)
freshtilapiaRating: NC-17 (for the whole series)
Length: 2,858
Spoilers: Season 1 & 2
Summary: (see Title; or the sequel to
Summer Mornings, with the usual fluff and the promise of sex)
A/N: This time it's from
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Comments 78
1: Referencing like, BWYDT, amongst other fics - This had me in stitches for so long; you have no idea... You're amazing. I think you should have a prize for whoever can name all the different fics you referenced... I can't do it, but I recognize most of them (where's the one about the lip synching from?)
2: Quoting the show, but out of context - What I need... well, anyway. It was awesome.
3: Brittany texting Santana, as per instructions - This made my day a bajillion times brighter. Why? Because B is awesome, as is S, but when B and S are working together, mt life is brilliant
4: Metaphors may be important, but euphemisms are better - O God, writing essays? That's fantasmagorical!!! Like, for shiz!!
5: Rachel kissing Brittany so she can kiss Quinn - Rachel is a genius.
That's all I have time for, because my ride's here, but this fic is SO AWESOME and I'm totally excited for night 3!! :)
i) There are so many dramatricks fics... any hints you would like to give as to plot and such? I will gladly forego studying and passing university to help you find the fic you forgot!
ii) Stalker!Santana excites me, in completely amazing ways.
iii) I feel like the funny in AN is one that builds, as opposed to SM... possibly because it's not Rachel's quirky mind, but Quinn's slightly more cynical one? But I'm sure it will build to a startlingly amazing funniness, if you let it!
iv) I will never be able to look at the word essay with a straight face again... thanks for that ( ... )
i) Dramatricks' fic I referenced is "Like a Seal Upon Your Heart," w/c can be found in ff.net. It's not the one I forgot and it's a good thing that someone else already told me what it is 'coz I do not want you to forgo studying often and I definitely want you to graduate.
ii) Haha I wish you can have stalker!Santana longer but I don't think you will.
iii) Well, I hope I can find ways to make this funnier. SM was such a joy to write 'coz Rachel is so silly that when I think of a scenario, I had to make it at least twice as silly. That was what's so fun for me. It had to be ridiculous. AN is so grounded because of Quinn. She's the realist of the two, IMO. So I try to get away with moments when I can make her look foolish.
iv) Bwahaha essay, essay, essay... you're welcome ( ... )
Dude, why would you think that?! But I know where you're coming from because I was also hesitant in continuing to write this. But I did say "the story unfolds by night (and not by chapter)." HAHAHA *huggles you back* Yay, it's going somewhere & different, driving is the new jogging! OMG, yes it makes sense (and newsflash dude, you're always hyper!!! ;)
Aww thank you so much dude! (I love making you squeal like a fangirl) ♥
HAHA I'm glad you like how I portrayed Brittany :D
And I'm glad you still found Quinn dorky & adorable. She's definitely not as crazy (or as fun) as Rachel but I'm really trying to make her look crazy in love.
I hope I get more & more inspired to because it's been so difficult for me to write it, to top SM as you know but I'm relieved it has potential so thanks again :D *huggles you again*
Also, does this weekly update lessen your hate for a WIP? I'm sorry it's the best I can do. :p
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