Merlin 3x02

Sep 18, 2010 18:08

Can you believe I actually forgot it was Saturday? So, yeah, my reaction to this episode is late, but here it is, anyway!

♥ I have a new theory re. length of cloaks in relationship to the importance of various knights, guards, etc. I'll let you know if it pans out.

♥ Uther and Arthur share a room. I mean, like a timeshare. Apparently. Only, Arthur likes curtains, and Uther doesn't. Poor Merlin, having to re-hang them whenever it's Arthur's turn...

♥ The evil smirking. Really, writers, we get it. No. Really. You can stop now.

♥ I'm glad they've backed off the Arthur/Gwen romance a bit, though it saddens me that suddenly, that's all Gwen's good for.

♥ The skeletons made me laugh. Like, a lot. I'm sorry; I couldn't take them seriously. My geek really started to show when Arthur went at them with his sword, and I thought, "No, Arthur, slashing weapons are no good against them; you need bludgeoning!," and then, "Told you so." (And Merlin fighting off the severed arm that was crawling towards him? I imagine that's a bit what I looked like, the time at my parent's house when I had a spider crawling up my leg.)

♥ I really wish that Merlin had revealed his magic to Morgana. And that he'd said something about Gaius' role in Morgana's bitterness. (Really. I'm still waiting for him to be held accountable for something.)

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merlin, fangirling

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