Andy don't feel bad that your penis is wider that it is long, its not your fault. First off it runs in the family. Your father has a chode and look you turned out just fine, for the most part. Also the fact that I was using horse tranqulizers the night you were concieved probly dosen't help. Oh and the addiction I had to crystal meth at the time was also a chode causing factor. Well at least it was a girl that found out, I lost the office pool but it was worth it in the long run. Keep trucking and hold that chode up high, however high that might be.
A message from Mr(s). Sander
April 13 2005, 00:57:47 UTC
O Andy, I didn't know you had a live journal, why didnt you tell me. We should have live journal sex some time, like now. Im sloppy drunk right now, I had a a Mike's HARD Lemonade. Hard like you when I spelled "chode" during our scrabble game (wink wink, cough cough). Right now Im thinking about you, and touching myself, o wait my hand is in a bowl of nacho cheese. The cheese is so good, good like your bowl of cheese in my mouth. And by the way I just wanted to say f*ck Raff(erty), Kyle and Ryan. I loved Kyle since the 3rd when I gave him oral during recess. He didn't have a chode, it was more like the letter "j". Anyway, talk to you later dater!!!!
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