Apr 26, 2010 04:12
- 11:03:03: ipad. where for art thou?!????
- 11:53:34: i may be working 11 hours today, but I have the ability to sift through the gigs of sxsw mp3s; applying my custom rating system.
- 12:31:58: Sundays r good days for Twitter. not so much Saturday nights; it seems even the über-dork, chris pirillo tweets less then. I hate Sat nites
- 12:36:54: RT @alyankovic: I have to assume the movie “Kick-Ass” is a period piece - like, from the days when people actually used MySpace.
- 12:44:15: vivid part of a dream I just remembered; in the mail I received a lillypad Arduino, but didn't remember ordering. looked at flexible circuit
- 13:34:24: There, I Fixed It - Epic Kludge Photos - Wonder If They Painted Each Wire Individually http://bit.ly/916Kj7
- 13:46:56: There, I Fixed It - Epic Kludge Photos - Let’s Just Turn Around http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ThereIFixedIt/~3/LmrADJRoRTI/
- 17:21:14: RT @engadget: iPad Camera Kit ships with USB headset and keyboard support http://bit.ly/9nbqqE
- 17:25:31: RT @engadget: iPad Camera Kit ships with USB headset and keyboard support http://bit.ly/9nbqqE - promising
- 17:50:40: holy fucking shit, I just stepped outside & was shocked as hell to find there was still light, albeit cloud diffused light. inside too long
- 17:50:53: feel sick.
- 20:05:13: oh shit. it's dark out!!! and I'm still working!!! for $2/hour more than yesterday!! w00tw00t!!
- 20:11:47: FIVE PARTIES between YESTERDAY & JULY!!!!!!!! all "big deals".
- 21:19:21: @ ljderek AIRPLANE as in... Leslie Neilson Airplane!!?!?!!,!!?11122223 as in 80's movie Airplane?!$$&&$$((;;:(632. man. that's a flashback
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