Man, internet radio is awesome. I can’t wait till I can actually listen to it instead of being bandwidth throttled by the school. It’s also nice when youtube videos actually load
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dud I went to see the trans sib orchestra on thursday night. It was pretty cool. they had the dude from BOC come out as a "special treat" for milwaukee and they played don't fear the reaper with him. it was super cool, and 3 hours long too. the hole show not just dont fear the reaper.
Ya it was a pretty killer time. they did their whole little christmas story set for the first hour, and that rocked, and then they all bowed and he started introducing people in the band and a whole ton of people started leaving, cause they figured it was over and wanted to get out before the crowd, but then they went on for another 2 hours or more and that was even cooler. they had all kinds of pyro stuff and lights. this one part turned into which guitarist could play the wickedest solo they like dueled it out for 10 minutes. what else was cool...oh this girl was singing this real soft nice songwith a spotlight on her and all the lights were off, and every one was all chill and old people ere happy, then all of a sudden this big fire flash and strobes lit up off to the side as she held a nice high note and the guitarist just started wailing out the most rocking Layla cover ever! they played that old like latin song they play in action suspence movies, it goes like, da da dada da da dada real deep? you know it? you would if you
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