well, surprisingly, i don't know what to write (or maybe "type" is the proper word at t he moment).
what a long entry (bohong banget ga ada ide mau nulis apa). LJ cut mode: ON~~
i cry a lot recently. i don't know exactly why do i burst out crying so often.
i found out that everything i do is wrong. so that was kinda broke my dearest self esteem, you know?
bener kata orang2. gw kayaknya kalo mikir apa2 kejauhan yah. sampe akhirnya, hal2 ilang ato lewat sebelum gw beres mikir. gw jg ga ngerti kenapa sih. tapi mumpung dikasih otak buat mikir, aku pake lah kinerja otakku, kemampuan berimajinasiku, kemampuan berpikirku, dan membayangkan sesuatu dengan semaksimal mungkin.
i had a hardship for expressing my self. no music is suitable for my mood. oh, yes there's one single music that is reaaalllyyy super good. but oh crap, it's marilyn manson. and it's true that his song kinda gives you a weird feeling that makes you feel depressed.
aku kemaren kuliner bareng ko arie, achie, ajoen, monic, mas ari, ka ririn, sama ka sigit. aku ditraktir makan sama si ko arie di raffel's. huwiwihiihihihi, hoki deh aye. enak laaah, though it doesn't have any 'fast food feeling'.
lalu2, ternyata dunia teh sempit. selidik boleh selidik, ternyata temen gw, eh salah kenalan gw, yang jadi fotografer pas di sweetnya eve, ternyata seband sama temen gereja gw yang namanya tommy. ckckckck dunia ember sempitnyaaaa.
dan, gw sekarang lagi pengen banget nih high heels item, dan high heeld putih. duuuhh, soalnya, kaki gw bakal keliatan jauuuuh lebih panjang kalo gw pake high heels. pengen pengen pengen pengeeen.. aarrgghh, i wish i have lotsss amount of moneey. pumps and oxfords might be good. gladiator heels are also super nicceee :D
okeeeh, daripada dibuat paragraf, mungkin gw lebih baik bikin daftar wish list-ku.
here you go:
- black heels
christian louboutine~
- white heels
this (another) christian louboutine's mary jane is always impressed me..
- circle lens
yang dipake uljang2 mastah (uhlzzang). buat ngegedein iris huakakakak
- moody glasses. oh never mind, they don't have to be moody, as long as i have a proper glasses to read.
- super skinny jeans. (bukannya kekecilan, tapi yang ngepas gt. black skinnies are just gorgeous)
- tops. shirts, t-shirts, anything.
- DSLR camera *not counted as a fashion item but i really want it*
Canon 550D
here is the review of this gorgeous camera
http://www.dpreview.com/previews/CanonEOS550D/ - accessories (earrings, bracelets, necklace, bangle, anything)
- hair extension. dammit. i can;t wait any longer to have a nice long hair.
- make up set. i don;t know since when do i care this much about make up and my face
- berhasil lulus sma dengan hasil yang baik, lalu dapet scholarship ke uni bagus, go abroad, stay and become a citizen there (maybe holland is a great place for living), doing a super enjoying great job, married, and spend a lifetime there. *loh*
- travel around the world. cihuuuyy. *loh kuadrat*
and the last two wishes are not counted as fashion item also, but who cares.
i rule my blog
ps: I still super really miss my ex (means: the old ipod touch) TERRIBLY.
pps: sialan, pake rich text gw kaga tau gimana caranya pake lj cut. sudah bisa heuheuehu :D