Do I qualify? We were doing repairs/maintenance on a linear accelerator one day and had our heads in different parts of the machine (blind to what's around us). Our conversation consisted entirely of "pass the wozzname," "tweak the thingamagig," and similiar nonsense. We knew what we were talking about, but one of the owners of the practice apparently stood bemused listening to us for about couple of minutes before deciding that all physicists were utterly mad.
Comments 4
Do I qualify?
We were doing repairs/maintenance on a linear accelerator one day and had our heads in different parts of the machine (blind to what's around us). Our conversation consisted entirely of "pass the wozzname," "tweak the thingamagig," and similiar nonsense. We knew what we were talking about, but one of the owners of the practice apparently stood bemused listening to us for about couple of minutes before deciding that all physicists were utterly mad.
What can I say, medicos are slow.
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