Ninth Grade
Concert Band
Pride of Chelsea Marching Band
Marching Band Festival Division Rating I
Fall Musical Pajama Game: Joe, Second Helper
High Honors 1st Semester
Winter MIFA One-Act District Competition Runner Stumbles: understudy Rivard and Lawyer
Solo and Ensemble for French Horn Division Rating II
Spring Play Wonka!: Grandpa George
Band Festival Division Rating II
Student Production Check, Please: Louis, Brandon
Honors 2nd Semester
Tenth Grade
Wind Symphony Band
Pride of Chelsea Marching Band
Marching Band Festival Division Rating II
Concert Choir
Chamber Choir
Fall Musical Little Shop of Horrors: Seymour
High Honors 1st Semester
Choir Madrigal Dinner
Winter MIFA One-Act Regional Competition Black Comedy: Schuppanzigh and Harold
Winter Carnival Prince Candidate
Solo and Ensemble for French Horn State Rating I
Solo and Ensemble for Chamber Choir Division Rating I
Band Festival Division Rating I
Choir Festival Division Rating II
Active Member of Chelsea Theatre Guild
Congregational Church Play Dear Ruth: Albert
High Honors 2nd Semester
Neon Kentucky Mission Trip
Chelsea Area Players Musical Beauty and the Beast: chorus
Eleventh Grade
Wind Symphony Band
Pride of Chelsea Marching Band
Section Leader
Band Manager
Marching Band Festival Division Rating II
Concert Choir
Section Leader
Chamber Choir
Active Member of Chelsea Theatre Guild
Fall Musical Into the Woods: Baker
Choir Madrigal Dinner
High Honors 1st Semester
Congregational Church Play And Then There Were None: Dr. Armstrong
Oh, it's not finished yet.
I'm really glad that I am happy again. It's a cool feeling. I guess every now and then, I just need a really meaningful hug and a bright sunny day to keep this car going.
Speaking of cars, my dad's wasn't stolen today. It was just accidently towed.