What are your middle names?
Elizabeth and Esteban
How long have you been together?
Little over 4 years now. :)
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Just under 5 years (w00t! snuck in right under the 5 year rule).
Who asked who out on a date?
hmmmm,there wasn't so much asking. It was kind of a "spending a ton of time together and then revealing our true feelings for each other" kind of thing.
Do you have any children together?
Not yet, but watch out world, we'll spawn 'ere long.
What about pets?
We have fishes and "creatures"
Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple?
Rent suck the most.
Did you go to the same school?
Nope. She goes to CSUF and I go to the School of Hard Knocks
Are you from the same hometown?
Well, depends on what you mean by "hometown". I was born in Bellflower, spent my elementary days in Virginia, but I really feel like Fullerton is home. So, in that case, yes.
Do you live in the same town now?
Yah, we're homies.
Who is the smartest?
She is.
Who is the most sensitive?
We both have our sore spots.
Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
As a couple meaning just us? Then usually Soup Plantation or Red Lobster. Very few of our friends like either restaurant so it's usually where we end up when it's just us.
Where do you shop the most as a couple?
Probably the grocery store.
Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
Who has the best group of friends?
We kinda combined all of our friends into some kind of weird goulash.
Who has the craziest exes?
Hmmmm, I got some crazies in my past but I don't think any of them ever sold off my CDs for $5 or sued me for $10,000. So I'm going to have to go with hers
Who has the worst temper?
Ummmmmmmm, yah, uhh......no comment *ducks* :-p
Who does the cooking?
Whoever happens to feel like
Who is the neat-freak?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (*wipes away a tear*) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Um, someone who isn't us?
Who is the most affectionate?
Totally me, she prefers the comforts of stuffed things. :-p
Who is the most stubborn?
Good question. No idea.
Who hogs the bed?
Totally her. She Loooooooooves sleeping diaganolly for some reason.
Who wakes up earlier?
Kinda depends on the day.
Where did you go for your first date?
Hard to say what our first official "date" was. To me though, the first time that we went out, just the two of us, with any kind of romance in the air was Valentine's day '04.
Who said I Love You first?
She did.
Who has the biggest family?
Oh lawd, me.
Do you give/get flowers often?
I used to get her flowers, then she tells me she's allergic to all flowers. D'oh!
How do you spend the holidays?
Usually spend Xmas here and then the following week at my mom's. This year we did Xmas there and New Years here.
Who's more jealous?
I dunno that either of us is particularly the jealous type.