4 -- lies will come back to haunt you

Sep 28, 2011 06:14

[Freddy looks...relaxed today, absent his usual twitching and flutter of motion. He's got a cigarette clenched between his teeth when the feed comes on but it's evident it's only held so tightly so he wouldn't lose it while he was using his hands to get the damn feed up in the first place. He takes a couple deep drags before transferring it to stained fingers, and that's when he finally addresses whoever's watching.]

I don't mind bein' here.

I know most of you don't feel the same way an' I don't blame you; you're either blackmailed into taking a job you probably don't want, or didn't then, at least, or you're dead so you don't have a choice and either way you resent the fact you're here an' I can't blame you.

I don't.

'Cause now I've been here a while I know if I didn't come here when I did I would've ended up playing for the other team. ...Make all the fag jokes you want there, you prob'ly aint too far off base with 'em. But I'm still not so convinced it ain't the right place for me anyway.

...also. Would it kill ya to get some decent brands in here? The fuck are these, Marlboro or whatever.

[Look at this crunched cigarette carton. What is this.]

They're fucking shitty.

[Freddy's affected! In case it wasn't obvious already. He'll try to be vague if he can because even without being able to lie he's still averse to sharing too much personal stuff, but ask a direct question and you'll at least get that if not a little extra. He'll in all likelihood lock the whole thing down once things to back to normal though.]

freddy wants a filter kthnx, the truth will make life awkward, beating around the bush, [verse]: sweet sounds of the barge

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