it's so cold (without you)
jonghyun & jinki; r
a/n; shit. and here i thought i was going to write some sexy jongyu. the title doesn't really make sense, because i was thinking of unrequited love when i wrote this, but, yeah.
"j-jonghyun," jinki stutters, knees open and face flushed because jonghyun's just looking, but there's so much skin -
jonghyun licks his lips, presses them hip to hip, bodies molding into each other like perfection, almost like destiny.
jinki's mouth spells out the abc's against jonghyun's neck, fingers leaving pretty marks down his back. jonghyun's silver cross chain clinks against a collarbone - jonghyun doesn't knows whose anymore - with every roll of his hips.
jonghyun could get lost like this, should get lost like this, almost gets lost like this.
but suddenly there's too much softness and not enough bone, not enough chest plate and too much -
he opens his eyes.
"shit, i can't do this," he whispers.
his words leave him with a cheek stinging red.
jonghyun ignores it, ignores the rustle and bustle of another one out the door. he steals a cigarette from it's pack, lights up but doesn't inhale and watches the end burn in the night like a firefly.