Pride Goeth Before the Fall - Prompt: Masters - PG - Harry Potter - Hermione, Draco (non-ship)

Oct 02, 2006 00:00

Title: Pride Goeth Before the Fall
Prompt: Master(s)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Hermione, Draco (non-ship)
Word Count: 220
Rating: PG
Summary: 'Mione and Draco have a bit of a word play in the halls of Hogwarts
A/N: Don't ever let it be said that you can't find inspiration while in the bath. lol

Hermione stopped in his way. “Malfoy, someone really should have told you pride goeth before the fall.”

Draco gave Hermione a scornful look of questioning. “What in the name of Merlin is that suppose to mean mudblood?”

“It means that you are gonna fall off that tower you’ve placed yourself on.” She moved to walk away, giving him a classic ‘bitch smirk’ as Ginny liked to call it. “Too bad when you fall off of it right at your master’s feet I won’t be there to laugh. Something tells me he tortures those that don’t do exactly as he likes. I’m sure you’ll get real familiar with the constant presence of pain. ”

“You ever speak to me like that again and it will be you at the Dark Lord’s feet, bleeding from every hole in your body you mudblood filth.”

“Don’t flatter yourself Malfoy. You couldn’t take me to him if your own life depended on it. You’re nothing but a cheap imitation of a Deatheater wanna be.”

He raised his wand, pointing it at her chest. “Keep it up Granger. I’ll show you wanna be.”

She laughed lazily, never letting him see that she had a firm hold on her own wand hidden inside the folds of her robes. “I don’t have to Malfoy, you know it’s true.”

** The phrase “pride goeth before the fall” is a common translation for Proverbs 16:18a.

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