Title: Touched This Place
Prompt: Autumn
Fandom: Christy
Characters: Christy Huddleson
Word Count: 172
Rating: G
Summary: Christy enjoys the morning view.
As she wrapped the shaw tighty around her shoulders, hugging herself Christy takes a deep breath of October mountain air. Looking down she watches one of the chickens scrapping around scavengering for food and hoping not be someone's meal. She was save. At least for today, but she heard David discussing the possibility of fried chicken on Friday. Morning calling from a pure red blood bird in a tree to her left, the creatures way to wake the heavy sleepers in the home and it's way to say hello.
She loved everything about Cuttergap, the people, the sense of accomplishment, the beauty of the mountains; God truly touched this place. It was strange in Asheville her favorite season was certainly not autumn, in the bustling city life of buildings, roads trampled across by horses, carriages, and even a few cars. The season was over looked, like so many things. Here though, the beauty and the represation of what autumn really meant shown in every direction. Yes God touched this place.