Publicity - Old Trade Logs

Sep 12, 2005 10:41

11.12.07 - i got britney02/10, mugshotsps03/05/09/11, penelope06/13, johncena03, spears03, horrordvd12, and panettiere12 from mastering disco, carmen, braff, and angelina. i also got events18 b/c of the writer strike.

11.07.07 - i got mariabello13 and mtl21 fromthe newsets. i got britney07 and ibelongtome16 from movie and i got britney03 and jessicab04 from actor.

11.04.07 - i got goodluckchuck10, carmen06, angelina04, arielle05, alyssamilano04, reynolds14, and sundanceps0706 from leveling up to level24. i mastered CARMENELECTRA and ANGELINAJOLIE!!!! i got keira14 from jackedup, penelope15 from quote, barrymore09 from tv, gotmilk18 from lyrics and goodluckchuck07 from whosangit, rorygilmore03 and stevens05 from memory, and mugshotsps13 and maroon503 from onceuponatime.

11.03.07 - i got kreuk01 and lorelaigilmore11 from guesswhosmissing. i got sophie09 and shannon02 from actress. i got someday06 and jlh15 b/c i never got my random cards for mastering haydengotmilkpuzzle.

10.28.07 - i got favekisses10, jennafischer10, and ephrambrown10 from the new sets. i got kreuk06, rmcadams12, goodluckchuck02, and portman12 from all 4 mixedups. mila11 and mugshotsps07 from cd. mugshotps18 from lyrics and goodluckchuck03 from whosangit, and britney06 from quote.

10.27.07 - i traded my galikeatrain20, michaelbuble03, mugshotsps04, notebook13, rorygilmore13, and dempsey for winstead01, disco15, britney04, friendships01, and goodluckchuck08 w/ stina. i mastered PANICATTHEDISCO!!!

10.25.07 - cause i mastered pcd, nicolerps, yhawards07, jknoxville, and parishilton i got braff04, zacefron12, one11, lohan05, shannon05/11, mything05, bana05, and mugshotsps02/04/08/10/12/15. i mastered ZACHBRAFF!!!

10.21.07 - i got britney11, mugshotsps17, pressly06, and girlsaloud05 for donating images for the britney set. i got zacefron05 from lyrics and goodluckchuck06 from whosangit. i got penelope12 and jessicab06 from musicvideo. i got britney10, jessespencer10, and lorelai10 from new sets. i got courtney13 from quote, marsden10 from jackedup, rorygilmore05 from tvshow, i got zacefron15 and sophie08 from onceuponatime, and i got sophie10 and shannon07 from movie. i got caremn14, disco04, samaire02, courteney10, and 1 amxpress from all 4 fillintheblanks. i leveled up to level24. i found bandit and got mugshotsps20 and britney02. i got puzzled23, mugshotsps04, and gotmilk10 from simplypuzzled.

10.16.07 - i got selmablair13, rorygilmore13, and joaquin13 fro the new sets and i got eliza08 and muhshotsps08 from oddoneout. i got chanel17 and winstead15 from actor and i got penelope14 and sophie01 from cd. i got zacefron14 from tv and i got zacefron08 and ibelongtome13 from movie. i got friendships13 from quote, disco01 and office-initiation15 from guesswhosmissing. chanel10 from lyrics and goodluckchuck12 from whosangit. i got rorygilmore14 and carmen05 from claimacard2.

10.13.07 - i got office-initiation18 and mugshotsps23 from freebies. i traded my amyabbot15, emilyvancamp05, joangirardi03, and joangirardi08 for yhawards0715, sophie14, angelina03, and marsden08 with faith. for leveling up to level23 i got angelina06, goodluckchuck15, parishilton07, jknoxville10, drakebell03, regina14, and vmpilot18. i mastered YHAWARDS07, PARISHILTON, and JKNOXVILLE!!

10.9.07 - i found the 1st hiddenlink and got 1 amxpress card, jknoxville12, and carmen11. i found the 2nd hiddenlink and got carmen01, whatanight08, and goodluckchuck05. i got lc04, puzzled22, and yhawards0708 from simplypuzzled. i got dukes19 and shannon01 from claimacard.

10.8.07 - i got tenenbaums10, oscars0410, vmpilot06, arigold08, sjh11, rosario, ahathaway05, siblings06/15, alba08, parishilton06, togo09, whatanight07, silverstone10, mischa14, ga-likeatrain20, love10, trl13, panettiere09, hiltons10, shannen12, jmetcalfe07, and cliveowen07 from haloawards. i traded my one13, ibelongtome11/21, courteney02/06/08, carmen09, denise14, and heigl05 for zooey12, penelope09, braff10, sophie06, yhawards0701, samaire08, kreuk15, winstead09/13 with tina. i got portman07, amyabbot06, and jesssimpson13 from boardwidepostcounts. i traded my milo07/15, mcgregor08, and panettiere06 for zacefron13, jlopez07, and goodluckchuck13 with janice. i got events16, mugshotsps03, michaelbuble03, office-initiation03 from the newsets. i got mugshotsps11, jamielynn10, whatanight01, and shannon08 for donating images for the mugshotps set. i got friendships04 and goodluckshuck14 from lyrics. i got jessicab09 and whatanight16 from movie. i got agnes11 and mugshotsps06 from actor. i got samaire15 from jackedup and i got penelope03 and chanel11 from onceuponatime. i got carmen02 b/c it has pink in the timplete for breast cancer awarness.

10.5.07 - for mastering ashlee, hilaryduff, lohan, hayden-gotmilk, and diaz i got samaire06/11, shannon04/13, sophie15/11, zacefron01/07, penelope09/11, pcd02, nicolerps06, wentworth12, famke06, joangirardi03, richie12, and dempsey09. i found bandit and i got goodluckchuck04. i mastered PCD and NICOLERPS!

10.2.07 - i got diaz15, sclub711, hayden-gotmilk10, dukes08, krasinski13, dallas14, and sandrab14 for leveling up to level 22. i mastered CameronDiaz and SClub7! i got goodluckchuck09 and underworld09 from the newsets and i got amysmart01 and braff03 from the randomizer. i got samaire09 from lyrics and hayden-gotmilk13 from whosangit and i got samaire01 and sophie15 from guesswhosmissing. i got winstead03 from quote and i got penelope04 and angelina01 from memory. i did mixedup1,2,3 and got samaire10, winstead06, and hayden-gotmilk14. I got lohan03, hilaryduff02, hayden-gotmilk06, and goodluckchuck01 cause they are my choice cards for the halo rewards. i mastered hilaryduff, lindsaylohan, and hayden'sgotmilkadpuzzle!

9.29.07 - i traded my hollycombs11, johnnydepp08, and 30sec2mars06 for jlopez11 and salmahayek03/04 w/ alvina. i traded my wall06, sandrab08, suvari03, zellweger04, and uma13 for angelina07, carmen15, disco13, zacefron11, and friendships10 w/ zooey.

9.23.07 - i got arielle01, zacefron09, barrrymore08, and office-beachgames04 from donating images for the zac efron set. i got zacefron06, piper06, and emmy0706 from the new sets. and i took heigl05 b/c she won a emmy. i got jlopez14 and emilyvancamp05 from actress. i got zacefron03 from lyrics and hayden-gotmilk04 frok whosangit. i got pcd09 and samaire11 from movie. i got sophie13 from quote. i got suvari08 from tvshow. i got jlopez09 from jackedup and i got chanel16 and ashlee04 from onceuponatime. i mastered ashlee simpson! i did all 4 fillintheblanks and i got 1 amxpress, carmen07, marsden02, salmahayek15, and shannon12. i got duffs07, samaire12 and puzzled21 from simplypuzzled.

9.18.07 - i traded my covenant13, justinlong15, bibb15, whatanight10/22, dsico09, friendships07, agnes02/14 for angelina02/15, carmen03/08, jlopez08/10/15, keira06, zooey06, and pcd12 w/ jamie. i traded my chanel19 for lohan13 w/ bianca. cause i mastered atisdale, bledelps, drewfuller, annafaris, beengone, and labeouf i got johnnydepp08, cmm04, agnes03, johncena06, sundance0702, 30sec2mars06, zooey07/10, kreuk03/10, marsden11/13, jlopez04/15, and carmen08/09. i got trknight07, buffy07, and samaire07 from the new sets. i got disco05 and jlopz02 from oddoneout1&2. i got jlopz13 and kreuk05 from guesswhosmissing. i got angelina06 and courteney02 from movie, i got kreuk04 from tvshow, and i got samaire04 and jessicab05 from musicvideo. i got disco06 from quote and i got carmen10 from lyrics and hayden-gotmilk11 from whosangit. i leveled up to level 22.

9.14.07 - i got pcd04, disco12, hayden-gotmilk02, atisdale03, and jknoxville01 from all4 mixedup games. i got labeouf03/09 from actor. i got salmahayek10 and diaz13 from actress. i finally found bandit and got hayden-gotmilk03 and i found the 1st hidden link and got 1 visa, sclub714, and nicolerps07. i master shialabeouf! i got atisdale15 bc its my choice card from stering bledelps. i mastered ashleytisdale!

9.11.07 - i traded my jrt13, messing07, and dunst12 for pcd10 and hayden-gotmilk09 w/ connie. i got eco10, whatanight10, and emilyvancamp10 from the new sets. for leveling up i got beengone14, bledelps10, hayden-gotmilk07, zellweger04, johncena08, jgyllenhaal10, and deravin03. i mastered been gone and bledelps!! i got pcd06 and whatanight22 from cd. i got hilaryduff07 and hayden-gotmilk08 from lyrics and whosangit. i got sclub705 and disco08 from movie. i got pcd01 from jackedup and i got sclub707 and ashlee13 from onceuponatime. i got pcd14 and angelina10 from memory.

9.09.07 - i got drakebell08, keanu08, sandrab08, and monaghan01 from post counts. i got drakebell10, emmy12, rmcadams, wall06, and ashton12 cause i used 2 mastercards and 1 american express. i mastered drakebell and emmy!!! cause i mastered them plus puzzled2 i got annafaris15, drewfuller08, one13, mckenzie09, angelina08/08/12/13. i mastered annafaris and drewfuller!

9.04.07 - i got salmahayek06/14, and parishilton14 from mastering greenday. i got friendships02 and amyabbot03 from freebies. i got adamrove13, uma13, and covenant13 from the new sets. i got events15 and yhawards0705 b/c school is starting. i got puzzled20, pcd03, and angelina14 from simplypuzzled. i got 1 amxpress, courteney07, hilaryduff04, messing07, and jesssimpson06 from all the fillintheblanks. i got bledelps02 and carmen13 from guesswhosmissing. i got keira04 from tvshow, keira02 from lyrics and hayden-gotmilk01 from whosangit. ileveled up to level 21 and i mastered puzzled part 2!!! i got annafaris12 and beengone16 from musicvideo and 1 mastercard and lohan06 from actorinmv. i got drakebell13 and angelina08 from actress and pcd11 and marsden05 from actor.

8.27.07 - i traded my alyaj04, jamielynn07, labeouf04, megan09, trl11, and vmpilot03 for braff14, lohan10, parishilton14, yhawards0710, yhawards0714, and kreuk14 w/ kathleen. i got messing15, hayden-gotmilk15, justinlong15, and amyabbot15 from the newset. i got pcd and parishilton08 from actor, emmy07 and agnes14 from actress. i got kiera13 and courteney08 from cd, i got parishilton03 from lyrics and hayden-gotmilk12 from whosangit, and i got nicolerps10 and ibelongtome24 from movie. i got yhawards0712 from jackedup and i got friendships05 and jlopez03 from onceuponatime. i got friendships12/15 from oddoneout. for leveling upto level 20 i got mugshots02, greenday05/12, one06, hollycombs11, charisma01, and bibb15. i mastered Green Day! i traded my messing15, barrymore03, labeouf14/15 for annafaris04, friendships09, emmy09, and disco10 w/ connie. i got hayden-gotmilk05, carmen12, and jlopez01 from doing the crossword puzzle.

8.24.07 - i traded my mugshots10, alyaj11, heros-fallout24, janiston04, piven15, richie07, spears01, couteney12, larter10, mcr08, and mercalfe04 for drewfuller05, drewfuller11, annafaris07, labeouf08, braff12, braff13, braff15, diaz09, kmoxville03, marsden03, atisdale07, and atisdale08 w/ colette. i got beengone01/07, office-beachgames12/14, joangirardi09/14, kiera01, kiera09, fascinating02, and fascinating06 from faith's wedding bell freebies. congratulations faith! i traded my office-beachgames08/12/14 and joangirardi09/14 for diaz05, beengone13/17, drakebell09, and knoxville15 w/ zooey. i got yhawards0702 and kreuk11 from actor and disco11 and jlopez12 from actress.

8.19.07 - i traded my ga-likeatrain12 and christian12 for dukes04 and kiera08 w/ sanye. i got kiera05/07 and mila01 from mastering nikkicox. i traded my erw07, benfoster11, bookedavis12, dunst04, chambers10, linkinpark07, krasinski11, tamblyn05, and harrypotter510 for annafaris08/10/14, kiera07, greenday08, rmcadams14, sclub708, beengone05/19, and lohan05 w/ jamie. i got stanford08, joangirardi08, and office-beachgames08 from the new sets. i got kiera10 and dukes08 from guesswhosmissing. i got heigl09, labeouf13, mugshots04, larter10, and kiera15 from mixedup1234. i got agnes02 and marsden14 from musicvideo. i got hilaryduff10 from lyircs and mugshots10 from whosangit.

8.15.07 - I got disco02/09, friendships03/07, nikkicox05/15, nikkihilton08, eliza14, mcr08, and labeouf14 for mastering kclark, reese, and tuesdays. i mastered nikkicox!!!

8.13.07 - i took brookedavis12, ga-likeatrain12, and kiera12 from the new sets. i took events14 b/c of the 300 sets publicity has. i took chanel19 from lyrics and tuesdays15 from whosangit. i mastered Tuesdays on the CW Puzzle! i got friendships08 from jackedup and annafaris13 from memory. i found the first hidden link and i got 1 american express, diaz01, and friendships11. i got knoxville05 from onceuponatime and i got braff08 and kiera05 from actress. i got braff02 from movie. i traded my someday15 and theoffice05 for annafaris02, ashlee01/06 w/ zooey. i got courtney05, zooey08, and mugshots15 from the crossword puzzle. i leveled up to level 20!! i got parishilton10, salmahayek07, pcd15, knoxville06 and 1 amxpress from all 4 fitb. i found bandit and got parishilton01 and kiera03. i traded my alba12 for braff09 w/ cath.

8.8.07 - i traded my beengone15, sytycd01, sytycd10, and daughtry10 or reese01, bledelps07, ashlee12, and braff05 w/ Noora. i got arigold09, megan09, disco09, friendships07, linkinpark07, erw07, and jamielynn07 from the new sets. i got sjh05, kclark11/13, tuesdays07, togo01, kreuk12, and julian07 for leveling up to level 19. for mastering christinaa, mischa, alba, eva, bosworth, and philtonps i got sjh13, friendships06, parishilton15/05, rmcadams05/11, ibelongtome04, penelope02, krasinski03, sundanceps0712, yhawards0706/04, kclark02, and marsden01/06/09/12. i mastered Kelly Clarkson! i got beengone06 and carmen09 from actor. i got marsden04 and atisdale10 from actress. i got alyaj11 and tuesdays11 from lyrics and whosangit. i got annafaris03 from movie, bledelps08, disco14 from musicvideo and ashlee15 and 1 mc from actorinmv. i got beengone11 from tvshow and reese12 from whosmissing. i got angelina09 from mixedup1. reese07 from oddoneout and annafaris01 from whyforoddoneout. i mastered reese witherspoon!!! i got nikkicox14, puzzled19, and yhawards0707 from simplypuzzled. i traded my diaz06/08 for disco03/07 w/ cath.

8.1.07 - i used 5 visa and 2 american express and got jmetcalfe04, labeouf04, eva14, bosworth07/13, mischa04/05/15, greenday02, nikkicox04, and tuesdays05. i mastered Kate Bosworth, Mischa Barton, and Eva Longoria!!!

7.30.07 - i got philstonps02 and christinaa07 for mastering layouts. I mastered PhiltonPs!!! i got harrypotter510 and jaimeking10 from the new sets. i got events13, tuesdays01/03, christinaa10, and alba02 from the 2 years anniversary of the site. i got a 1 mastercard, amysmart06, and beengone03 from sceneconfusion. I Mastered Christina Aguilera!!! i got atisdale and yhawards0703 from actor, kclark12 and lohan09 from cd, and yhawards0709 and marsden07 from actress. i got alyaj04 from onceuponatime and braff07 from jackedup. i got annafaris11 from memory. i got eva08, alba09, and 1 visa bc i found the 1st hiddenlink. i mastered alba! i got pcd09 from lyrics and tuesdays09 from whosangit.

7.23.07 - i got puzzled18, hilaryduff12, and parishilton09 from simplypuzzled. i traded my chanel03 and trl33 for emmy15 and kclark03 w/ bianca. i took amysmart15 and annafaris06 from the freebies. i got larterps04, beengone15/18 from mastering nicolerichie. i got drakebell03 and greenday10 from tv and movie.

7.21.07 - i got carmen04, theoffice05, and jlopez04 from the new sets and layouts10 from the new layout. i mastered layouts. i got braff01 and philtonps10 from claimacard.

7.17.07 - i changed the link. i got kidman04, richie07, alba05, therunway03, eva10, annafaris09, and tuesdays14 for leveling up to level18. i got layouts09, events11/12 from the 7/8 update. i got mugshots13 from the 7/10 update. i took amysmart11, benfoster11, ibelongtome11, krasinski11, shannon11, yhawards0711, and notebookpz11 from the new sets. i took labeouf04/06 from the 7/14 update. i got yhawards0713 and jrt04 from actor. i got amysmart02 from lyrics and mugshots01 from whosangit. i got emmy11 and chanel06 from cd. i got drewfuller15 from jackedup. trl33 from mixedup1, philtonps09 from mixedup2, tuesdays13 from mixedup3, and ibelongtome21 and philstonps008 from mixedup4. i got beengone12, vmpiolt03, regina12, and chandler09 from pickahottie. i got jknoxville13 from onceuponatime, trl11 and bledelps03 from actress. i got philtonps01 and beengone08 from findingbandit. i got christinaa15 from tvshow.

6.29.07 - i got richie07, rosario04, and winstead07 frm the june 25th update. i mastered NICOLERICHIE!!! i got diaz04/08/10/14, labeouf15, tylerhilton15, sundanceps08, and alba06/12 for mastering tophergrace, jenaniston, and vanessahudgens.

6.15.07 - i got parishilton13 and ashlee03 from guessthecd. and since the site was down we got freebies and took annafaris05, richie11, bosworth05, and tuesdays12. and i level up to level 18.

6.2.07 - i got diaz08 and zooey05 from actor. i traded my tuesdays11 amd trl20 for beengone02 and philtonps04/06 w/ kathleen. i got puzzled17, sclub703, and parishilton04 from simplypuzzled.

5.27.07 - i got christian12, barrymore03, and philtonps07 from the new sets. I got lohan08, trl20, milo07, and philtonps05 for donating images for the parishiltonps set. i got beengone04 from lyrics and tuesdays08 from whosangit. i got labeouf05 and philtonps03 from musicvideo and i got rmcadams05 and 1 visa from actorinthemusicvideo. i got hilaryduff01 from jackedup.

5.22.07 - today's my b-day so i pick 2 regular cards and a special card and i picked tuesdays04, janiston02, and vanessah14. I mastered VANESSA HUDGENS and JENNIFER ANISTON!!!

5.20.07 - i got zooey09, janiston06/07, eliza15, gg10, heroes-fallout24, and jgyllenhaal11 for leveling up from 16 to 17. i traded my sundance0702 and milops07 for diaz11 and jknoxville11 w/ kathleen.

5.17.07 - i got tuesdays10,daughtry10, and stiles11 from the new sets. i got braff11 from the 5/17 update. i got dunst12 and beengone09 from actor. i got alba12 and beengone10 from actress. i got braff06 from movie. i got greenday11 from tv show and ashlee09 from onceuponatime. i got alyaj07 from lyrics and tuesdays06 from whosangit. i got richie13 from mixedup1, greenday15 from mixedup2, tuesdays11 from mixedup3, chanel20 and diaz03 from mixedup4. i got trl20, diaz12, and tuesdays02 from the crossword puzzle.

5.9.07 - i traded my dunst03, hannihan07, and gwyneth12 for atisdale09, bledelps01, and diaz06 w/ neko. i traded my duffs02, notebook02/03, and mcgowan06/08 for kclark09/14/15, parishilton15, and tophergrace11 w/ faith. i mastered Topher Grace!!! i got dunst04 b/c of spiderman and vanessah03 from the may6th update. i got diaz06 and bledelps06 from the freebies. i got agnes10 and chambers10 from the new sets. i got salmahayek09 and atisdale14 from guesstheactor. i got jrt13 and parishilton11 from guesstheactress. i got hilaryduff03 from lyrics and gg06 from whosangit. i got reese10 from tvshow. i got nicolerps04 from jackedup. i got greenday06 from movie. i found bandit and got kclark08 and diaz02. i got hilaryduff14 and labeouf14 from musicvideo.

5.5.07 - i traded my robbie06 for labeouf15 w/ neko. i found the first hidden link and got a visa, tophergrace13, and vanessah11. i got emmy03 and beengone15 from guessthecd. i found the 2nd hidden link and got ashlee08 and favemovies02.

5.2.07 - i got drewfuller07 from memory. i got greenday03, tophergrace14, and puzzled16 from simplypuzzled. i traded my eva03, tca0607, hiltons07, kylie12, gg04, and gg15 for alba08, atisdale05, mischa02, mischa11, drakebell14, lohan02, nikkicox09, and bledelps04 w/ alys. i got hannigan07, milops07, and diaz07 from the new sets and labeouf07 b/c disturbia is still number one at the box office. i got nikkicox13 from lyrics and gg05 from whosangit. i got drewfuller10 from fillintheblank and courteney06 from fillintheblanks2.

4.24.07 - i got atisdale04/11 and denise15 for mastering deigoluna. i traded my jknoxville09 for bledelps09 w/ Bridge. i got labeouf12 and drewfuller09 from guesstheactor.

4.22.07 - i got shannen05, bledelps05, and couteney12 from the new sets. i got alba14 and angelina11 from guesstheactress. i got reese06 from lyrics and favemovies03 from whosangit. i got rmcadams03 from themovie. i got elizaps08 from jsckedup.

4.19.07 - i traded my ricci09 for labeouf10 w/ donnaj. i got pcd08 from guessthemovie. i got diegoluna11 and mcgowan06 for mastering tisdaleps. i mastered diegoluna! i traded my mgyllenhaal07, sandrab15, elizaps09, beengone04, beengone06, and beengone16 for labeouf01, alba15, reese08, nikkicox01, atisdale01, and sclub701 w/ stacy. i traded my tvboyfriends15 for drakebell06 and alba10 w/ DonnaJ. i traded my stevens13, jbshoot03, larterps05, and mything12 for atisdale02, labeouf02, nikkicox03, and emmy01 w/ colette.

4.15.07 - since i leveled up to level 16 i got shadow06, gg10, katebps103/04, elilly15, piven15, and jmetcalfe04. I mastered KateBPS1. i got tisdaleps04, denise14, sundanceps0702, lohan07/11 for mastering katebps1 and mything. i mastered tisdaleps! i got drakebell12 and alba04 from guesstheactor. hilaryduff06 and eva12 from guesstheactress. i got jessicab04 from lyrics and gg15 from whosangit. i got reese13 and notebook02 from musicvideo. i got a visa and elizaps09 from actorinvideo. i found bandit and got tophergrace10 and drakebell05. i got jknoxville07 and zooey13 from sceneconfusion. i got mcgowan08 from jackedup. i got salmahayek05 from onceuponatime. i gounf the first hiddenlink and got 1 amxpress, christinaa13, and ashlee07. i traded my alyssamilano10, mcgowan12, and gg10 for drakebell02, eva06, greenday09, and nikkicox12 w/ shell. i traded my panettiere04, jessicab04, jessicab07, gg0705, mgyllenhaal04, and behr10 for drakebell01, kclark06, rmcadams13, emmy04, nikkicox10, and alba01 with faith. i got ricci09, atisdale06, and labeouf11 from the new sets. and i took atisdale13 b/c school sucks. i traded my paulwalker02/04, livtyler07, and dempsey14 for eva01, kclark01, lohan01, and tophergrace04 w/ jamie.

4.12.07 - i got events10 from easter. i mastered events. i got dukes17, diegoluna01/05/09/13, mcgregor08, jknoxville09/14, reese04/11, sjh05/15, lohan12, sytycd10, spears01, katebps209, rmcadams02/11 for mastering gap, olsens, vanessam, girlsaloud, and puzzled. i got events10 from easter. i mastered events. i got notebook13 from tvshow. i got duffs02 and mgyllenhaal04 from fitb1 and 2. i got alba13 and zoolander02 from lyrics and whosangit. i got Emmy06, Ashlee11, Sjh02, Thetunway09, Eva15, Rmcadams15 and zoolander10 from the easter freebies. i got hernandez14, dempsey14, and denise14 from the new sets. i mastered sjh, zoolander, and therunway. i got greenday04/07, denise04, johncena02, gg0705, robbie06, dukespre13, alba03/07, drakebell11/15, mything05/06, tca0607, eva05/13, and diegoluna14/15 from the sets i just mastered. i mastered mything! i got reese03 and eva02 from guesstheactress.

4.4.07 - i got pcd07, livtyler07, and wentworth07 from the new sets. i got rmcadams07 and eva03 from the musicvideo. i got greenday14 from jackedup. i got pcd05 and wentworth14 from freebies. i got zooey03 from onceuponatime. paulwalker04 from movie. i got paulwalker02 and zoolander from lyrics and whosangit. i got kclark10 and regina05 from tvshow.

3.26.07 - i got drakebell07, sophie07, and gg04 from the new sets. i got ashlee02 and zoolander14 from lyrics and lyrics2. lohan07 from movie. hilaryduff15 and beengone20 from cd. theod12 and drakebell04 from actor. diegoluna03, dunst03, puzzled15 from simplypuzzled. i got zoolander06, siblings06, simpsons14, chanel03, alyssamilano10, emendes14, and travis10 for leveling up to level 15. i mastered Simpson Sisters and Siblings!!!

3.20.07 - i traded my tylerhilton13, holloway15, hartnett03, gap02, lgraham12, beyonceps05, comedydvd08, and kylie08 for drewfuller03, emmy14, eva04, eva07, eva11, greenday01, jknoxville14, and nikkicox02 w/ colette.

3.18.07 - i traded my rosario07, sethgreen08, maggiegrace07/13 for mischa10/13 and zoolander05 w/ shell. i found bandit and got ashlee10 and lohan14. i got hilaryduff08 and tylerhilton13 from guessthemusicvideo. i got alba11 and 1 visa from guessthesctressinthevideo. i got hilaryduff13 and notebook03 from guesstheactress. i got nicolerps05 from guessthelyrics and zoolander09 from guesswhosangit. i got regina06 from guessthemovie. i got suvari03 from jackedup. i got ashlee05 from guessthetvshow. i got panettiere04 from mixedup1, mischa12 from mixedup2, zoolander08 from mixedup3, kclark05 and mything10 from mixedup4. i got greenday13 b/c of st. patricks day. i got entourage13, dunst12, and mcgowan12 from the new sets. i got comedydvd08, mgyllenhaal07, and zoolander15 from the crossword puzzle. i traded my smg06, padalecki03, olsens03, suvari09, portman02, and tca0604 for eva09, nikkicox06, mischa14, diegoluna08, and zoolander04 w/ christy. i traded my trl04, zooey13, and sethgreen12 for rmcadams09 and zoolander11 w/ Donna J. i traded my mattdallas12, teenmoviedvd14, larter02, larter06, larter14, portman13, and dunst12 for vanessah05, vanessah07, tisdaleps07, reese05, hilaryduff05, emmy02, and emmy08 w/ jamie. i traded my panettiere14, panettiere15, duffs04, duffs10, maggiegrace02, olsens09, olsens15, sundanceps0710, and sundanceps0713 for ashlee14, emy10, emmy13, kclark04, lohan15, nikkicox07, nikkicox08, and zoolander01 w/ Kathleen.

3.16.07 - i got tamblynps07 and mischa03 from guesstheactress. i got drewfuller12 from onceuponatime. i got 1 amxpress and trl04 from fitb4. i traded my famke02 for tophergrace06 w/ bianca. i traded my ryang12, notebook02, and cevans10 for reese11/14 and mything14 w/ amy. i traded my mattczuchry12 and jlafferty10 for vanessah01 and tisdaleps01 w/ faith. i use 1 visa and 1 amxpress at the 5th ave shop and got maggiegrace02, gap11, and gap12. i mastered Gap AdS!!!!!! i traded my trl06 and vivaglam02 for vanessah04 and therunway14 w/ lisa. i traded my mything02/03 double and hollycombs02 for tisdaleps02 and zoolander13 w/ melissa.

3.12.07 - i got mattczuchry12, zoolander12, and dallas12 from the new sets. i got larterps05 and vanessah12 from memory. i got girlsaloud03, puzzled05, christinaa05, jbshoot03, tenenbaums10, and panettiere15 for leveling up to level 14. i Mastered Girls Aloud and the first set of Puzzled!!! i got larter02 and zoolander03 from guessthelyrics. i got puzzled14, portman13, and tophergrace03 from simplypuzzled. i got katebps108 from fitb1, eva03 from fitb2, simpsons13 from fitb3.

3.10.07 - i traded my bosworth02/14 double and actually06 for vanessah09, mischa01, jknoxville08/09 w/ zooey. i got larter14 and events09. i got tophergrace09 and tvboyfriends15 from hiddenlink#2.

3.4.07 - i traded my therunway11, sethgreen10, gwyneth03, ahathaway05, aoki04/11 for diegoluna04, bosworth08, katebps105, olsens09, mischa06/09 w/ lyn. i got bam10, hartnett03, holloway15, jensen02 from pickthehottie. i got larter06, chanel06, vanessah06, and events08 from the new sets. i got diegoluna12, padalecki03, tca0604, jessicab07, rosario07, tisdaleps08, vanessam02, vanessah13, siblings04, therunway15, gap09, and girlsaloud11 from donating images for 3 sets. i got chanel12 and teenmoviedvd14 from freebies. i got parishilton02 and puzzled07 from lyrics. i got vanessah15 from mixedup1, avril09 from mixedup2, jknoxville04 from guessthemovie. i got beengone06 and vanessah08 from guessthemusicvideo. i got bosworth03 from jackedup. i got puzzled06 from mixedup3. i got vanessah10 and vanessam09 from guesstheactor. i traded my chanel06 for vanessa02 w/ shell.

3.2.07 - i got tophergrace02 and reese15 from guesstheactor. i got diegoluna06 and hilaryduff03 from guesstheactress. i got jknoxville02 from guessthemovie. i traded my rmcadams12, teenmoviedvd12, and hilaryduff03 for reese02, tophergrace01, and mischa08 w/ kathleen. i traded my penelope04, shanewest11, wall08, jml01, johncena11, and jalbaps01 for gap09, tisdaleps05, olsens15, bosworth04, diegoluna02, mything03, and katebps106 w/ catherine. i got mything02/03/12/15, olsens09/15, bosworth02/14, sclub702/10, beengone16, ryang12, welling14, and tamblyn05 for mastering bandit, johnnydepp, mcfly, natasha, and jordana. i traded my heathledger11, sandrab05, and actually11 for tisdaleps09, nicolerps08, bosworth01/11 w/ tina. i mastered olsens!!!

2.26.07 -i traded christy michelle my jbshoot05 and parishilton11 for her tophergrace07 and mything08. i got teenmoviedvd12, pompeo03, and tisdaleps06 from the new sets. i got suvari11 and siblings09 from guessthecd. i got sclub712 from guessthelyrics. i got puzzled04 from whosangit. i got janiston10, simpsons07, and puzzled13 from simplypuzzled. i traded my paulwalker15, jleto06, hartnett05, and reynolds04 for sclyb713, diegoluna01/07/10 w/ jamie. i traded my pompeo03, cliveowen11, panettiere12, fox05, robbie02, and bloom11 for tophergrace05/08, siblings01, diegoluna02, and sundanceps0713 w/ faith.

2.20.07 - i traded my hilaryduff04 for mything11 w/ kathleen. i traded my ashlee13, ashton15, one16, and mcr13 for richie04, vanessam03/07/15 w/ colette. i got olsens05, puzzled02, girlsaloud02, realitytv06, hollycombs02, and smg06 for leveling up to level 13. i got johncena11, pressly11, shanewest11, and jordana02 from new sets. i got panettiere14 from jackedup. i got christina11 and trl06 from memory. i got gap05 from lyrics and puzzled08 from lyrics2. i got vivaglam02 from guessthemovie. i got richie10 from fillintheblanks, maggiegrace13 from fitb2, richie03 from fitb3, and sclub709 and amxpress from fitb4. i got hilaryduff11 and jordana07 from post count rewards. i mastered jordana brewster!!!! i got zooey13 and mything04 from guesstheactor. i found bandit and got mything13 and stevens13.

2.13.07 - i traded my piven05/09 for christinaa03 and girlsaloud15 w/ zooey. i traded my famke08, jlh12, and oscars0414 w/ bianca for her mcfly08, jordana09, and girlsalous14. i mastered mcfly. i traded my couples13 for mything01 w/ faith. i traded my paparazzi03 for jordana11 w/ kathleen.

2.11.07 - i traded my jml14, magazines04, charisma12, tca0610, and jesssimpson11 for bandit01, bandit05, vanessam06, and gap04 w/ christy. i got bosworth14 from onceuponatime. i got mything02 and sclub706 from memory. i got reese09 from mixedup1. i got siblings10 and famke02 from quesstheactress. i got sjh13 from guessthelyrics. i got bandit08 from whosangit. i got mything09, piven09, mcr13, and sundanceps0710 from the new sets. i got gap15 and piven05 for mastering mandymoore. i used 1 visa, 1 mastercard, and 1 amxpress and got natasha05, johnnydepp10, mcfly07, kreuk02, and reynolds04. i got lgraham12 from mixedup2, bandit09 from mixedup3, theod04 and mcfly11 from mixedup4. i got parishilton11 and lohan04 from guesstheactor. i traded my theod02 and theod14 for mcfly13 and mything07 w/ lisa. i donated 2 sets of level badges and got mcfly02, gwyneth12, diegoluna09, notebook02, jensen08, sandrab05, suvari09, mischa07, couples13, greenday04, mcfly09, and girlsaloud04. i mastered johnnydepp, natashabedingfield, and bandit.

2.9.07 - i traded my bloom14 for mcfly03 w/ jessica. i traded my ashtondemi05, doglovers06, and trl35 for bosworth10, girlsaloud01, and mcfly06 w/ catherine2. i got therunway11, gap02, gap14, ashton15, amandabynes15, janiston09, janiston04, paparazzi03, stephen03, siblings08, and siblings14 for mastering britm, orlando, katebps2, and scarlettps.

2.8.07 - i traded my zellweger05 and zellweger15 for katebps109 and mcfly10 w/ christy michelle. i traded my maggiegrace15 for my mcfly02. i traded my horrordvd10, kevinzegers02, maggiegrace11, and rosario12 for christinaa01, gap10, girlsaloud07, and jordana08 w/ jamie. i traded my notebook09 and notebook11 for mcfly14 and girlsaloud08 w/ amy.

2.4.07 - i got actually11, mything12, tisdaleps10from good mood freebies. i got one16, christinaa12, vanessam08, and mcfly05 for donating images for the mcfly set. i got rosario12, paulwalker15, maggiegrace11, and mcfly12 from the newsets. i got nicolerps01 and hilaryduff09 from guesstheactress. i got mcfly01 and sandrab15 from guessthecd. i got maggiegrace07 from guessthelyrics and actually06 from guessthelyrics2. i got siblings05 from guessthemovie. i got mcfly04 and theod02 from guessthemusicvideo. i got simpsons05 and a visa for guessingtheactressinthemusicvideo. i got drewfuller06 from jackedup. i got salmahayek08, sethgreen10, and puzzled03 from the crossword. i got magazines04 and mcfly15 from guesstheactor. i found bandit and got maggiegrace15 and bandit04.

2.1.07 - i traded my goodbye08 and awtr10 for bandit02 and girlsaloud09 w/ christy michelle. i got bosworth09 for getting the quote correct. i got girlsaloud10 and tophergrace15 from freebies. i got nicolerps03 and zellweger15 from guesstheactress. i traded my charisma05 for johnnydepp12 w/ anine

1.29.07 - i traded my tylerhilton11, awtr12, heroes-fallout11, and trl29 for vanessam06, bosworth15, jordana03, natasha12, and christinaa02 w/ colette. i traded my drewfuller08 for girlsaloud06 w/ shell. i traded my cdcovers02 and bam04 for jordana15 and girlsaloud05 w/ lisa. i leveled up to level 12 and got siblings02, siblings07, katebps204, puzzled01, sclub715, and jbshoot05. i traded in my siblings02/07 double and got xtinaps09 and horrordvd10.

1.28.07 - i got zellweger05, hartnett05, ashtondemi05, girlsaloud13 from the new sets. i got gap08, puzzled12, and girlsaloud12 from simplypuzzled. i got therunway04 from fillintheblanks, i got jordana05 from fitb2, simpsons02 from fitb3, i got amxpress and olsens14 from fitb4. i got natasha08 from guessthemovie.

1.23.07 - i got penelope04 b/c she was nominated for best actress. i used 2 amxpress and 2 visas and got bam04, charisma12, layouts05, and layouts06.

1.22.07 - i traded my nickcarter05, tamblynps08, jgyllenhaal13, larterps02, and larterps07 for sjh14, katebps213, therunway12, simpsons04, and simpsons11 w/ jamie. i traded my jessicab05, mischa07, sclubt10, mckenzie15, nikkicox13, gregorysmith11, gg0702, gg0713, and chandler15 for katebps101, katebps102, katebps107, katebps110, vanessam01, bandit03, and bandit10 w/ laura. i traded my alyssamilano11 for gap02 w/ shell. i got katebps212 and trl29 from guesstheactress. i got jordana12 and drewfuller04 from guesstheactor. i found the 2nd hiddenlink and got drewfuller14 and layouts04. i got gap07 and goodbye08 for finding the 3rd hiddenlink. i traded my trl32 for therunway07 w/ lisa.

1.21.07 - i got heroes-fallout11, notebook09, olsens03, bloom11, layouts02, and katebps208 for leveling up to level 11. i traded my billie04 and fasinating08 for gap18, jordana10, and jordana13 w/ christy michelle. i got kevinzegers02, heathledger11, and alyssamilano11 from the new sets. i got johnnydepp09 from onceuponatime. i got johnnydepp07 from jackedup. i got jordana14 from guessthemovie. i got nicolerps09 from guessthelyrics and awtr10 from guesslyrics2. i got salmahayek02 from mixedup, siblings02 from mixedup2, layouts03 from mixedup3, richie15 and vanessam12 from mixedup4. i found hiddenlink1 and got amxpress and nicolerps02.

1.20.07 - i got gg0702 from the new set. i traded zooey my tvboyfriends15, tophergrace08, and britneyvideos11 for her gap06, gap16, christinaa09, and bosworth06. i traded my sundanceps12, elilly12, and monaghan07 for olsens07, bosworth02, and jordana01 w/ cath.

1.18.07 - i got siblings03 and vanessam14 from guessthecd. i got gap17, christinaa04, and gg0713 from my golden globes predictions. i traded my drewfuller04, penelope06, penelope13, and famke10 for olsens02, olsens11, natasha14, sjh07.

1.17.07 - i traded my reese15 and 2004oscars05 for katebps206 and gapads20 w/ katta. i traded in my jesssimpson11, gap13, johnnydepp15, and johnnydepp03 double and got aoki11, britneyvideos11, tylerhilton11, and jlafferty10. i got a visa, jordana04, and janiston05 from sceneconfusion.

1.16.07 - i got bloom08 and janiston15 from guesstheactress. i traded my trl38, mcadams09, rmcadams10, and ashlee11 for katebps211, katebps215, richie05, and richie14 w/ colette. i got famke10, chandler15, maroon511, milo15, someday15, aoki04, elilly12, keanu04, johnnydepp04, johnnydepp03, johnnydepp14, johnnydepp15, robbie02, cevans10, siblings13, gap13, gap03, mandymoore03, scarlettps01, katebps201, bloom05, johnnydepp02, and britm13 for mastering colorless, britneyvideos, shadow, meangirlspuzzle, rachelbilson, chadmichaelmurray, and amandabynes.

1.15.07 - i got billie04, gregorysmith11, tophergrace12, and gap13 from the new sets. i got oscars0405, jesssimpson11, duffs04, bloom15, britneyvideos20, and fascinating08 for leveling up from 9 to 10. i got olsens01 for fillintheblanks1. i got katebps214 and vanessam04 from guesstheactor. i got oscars0414 from fill2, natasha02 from fill3, johnnydepp03 and an amxpress from fill4. i got richie14 from guessthemovie. i got johnnydepp11 and tophergrace08 from guessthemusicvideo. i got vanessam10 and a visa from actorinmusicvideo. i got britm07 from guessthelyrics. i got awtr12 from whosangit.

1.13.07 - i traded my reese03 for britneyvideos09 with katta. i got hiltons07 and trl35 from post count rewards. i used 1 amxpress and 2 visas and got jlh12, colorless07, and layouts01. I MASTERED COLORLESS!!!

1.10.07 - i used 1 amxpress, 1 visa, and 1 mastercard at the fith av shop and got charisma05, beengone04, events02, and amandabynes14. I MASTERED AMANDABYNES!!!! i got sjh09 from guessthemovie. i've got siblings11 and bandit07 for finding bandit. i got katebps207, penelope06, and colorless09 from the crossword. i got katebps202 and janiston11 from guesstheactor. i traded my evanescene12 for natasha06 w/ shell

1.7.07 - i traded my eva05 for therunway05. i traded in my natasha13 double and got cdcovers02. i got cliveowen11, evanescence12, jordana06, and tvboyfriends15 from the new sets. i got britm06 and penelope13 from guesstheactress. i got siblings07 from jackedup. i got katebps210 from guessthelyrics and jml01 from whosangit.

1.3.07 - i got johnnydepp05 and jessicab05 from guesstheactress. i got natasha04 and bloom02 from guessthemusicvideo. i got an amxpress and olsens10 from musicvideoactress.

1.2.07 - i got sethgreen12 and heroes-fallout13 from freebies. i got layouts08 and events07 and rmcadams09 from the new layout. i traded my herosfallout09 and hollycombs07 for therunway03 and cmm04 w/ christy michelle. i got richie09, nikkicox11, katebps203, gap01, and colorless01 from the gift bag. i traded my angelina06 and magazines07 for janiston12 and natasha11 w/ padme. i traded my lohan10 and trl34 for therunway08 and simpsons09 w/ lish. i traded my benaffleck08, silverstone11, and theused11 for bloom14, janiston13, and johnnydepp13 w/ ally. i traded my nickyhilton05, sandrab13, and vmpilot01 for johnnydepp01, richie08, and britneyvideos05 w/ aly. i traded my beengone09, joshjackson07, andjlh08 for sjh06/11 and drewfuller02

12.31.06 - i traded faith my hilaryduff14 for her bloom14.

12.30.06 - i traded cath her simpsons15, richie06, and richie12 for my avril13, brandonrouth11, and cevans08. i got famke08, panettiere06, and heroes-fallout09 from the new sets. i got rbilson14 and kclark07 from guesstheactor. i got rmcadams10 and drewfuller04 from guessthecd. i got janiston08 from guessthelyrics and jml14 from whosangit. i got scarlettps09 from onceuponatime. i got rbilson02 from guessthemovie. I MASTERED RACHEL BILSON!

12.27.06 - i traded my beengone14 for cmm12 w/ aaron. i traded my lgraham06 for richie01 w/ faith.

12.25.06 - i got panettiere12 from the 22nd. i got drewfuller13 and colorless03 from the 23rd. i got simpsons06 and a visa from the 24th. i got i got cmm13, hilaryduff14, rbilson12, ian11, scarlettps04, therunway02, mandymoore04, amandabynes04, and simpsons10 from the 25th. i traded my bana02/03 for therunway01 and drewfuller01 w/ faith. i traded my cdcovers07 for therunway11 w/ aaron.

12/23/06 - i got events06 for christmas. i got a mastercard and johnnydepp15 from the 18th. i got johnnydepp06 from the 19th. i got scarlettps08 and amandabynes01 from the 20th. i got olsens12 and johnnydepp08 from the 21st. i got christinaa14, natasha13, britm14, bloom09, and colorless02 for leveling up.

December 21, 2006 - i traded my lc02 for simpsons08 w/ christy michelle.

December 18, 2006 - i got drewfuller08 and sjh03 from guesstheactor. i had doubles of shadow22, natasha09, natasha10, mandymoore01 and traded them in and got bana03, cevans08, sytycd01, and kreuk07. i found the 1st hidden link and for sjh12 and a visa.

December 17, 2006 - i got simpsons03 from jackedup. i got olsens06 from guessthemovie. i got britm09 from guessthelyrics and meangirls06 from whosangit. I MASTERED MEAN GIRLS PUZZLE!!!! i got tamblynps08, brandonrouth11, and penelope11 from the new sets. i got amandabynes12, mandymoore12, and puzzled11 from simplypuzzled. i got sjh10 from mixedup, simpsons01 from mixedup2, colorless08 from mixedup3, amandabynes03 and bloom04 from mixedup4. i got therunway13 from fillintheblanks, sjh04 from fillinthebalnk2, rbilson07 from fillintheblanks3, sjh08 and amxpress card from fillintheblanks4. i got jalbaps01 and amandabynes06 from the 16th. i got scarlettps07 and janiston14 from the 17th. i traded my reese15 for britneyvideos06 w/ cath. i got scarlettps10 and therunway06 from guesstheactress. i found the 2nd hidden link and got duffs10 and jml08. i found the 3rd hiddenlink and got mandymoore05 and shadow06. I MASTERED SHADOW!!!

December 16, 2006 - I traded my awtr08 for mandymoore01 and shadow14 with christy michelle. i traded my milo13 for britneyvideos01 w/ colette. i got tca0610, cmm02, siblings15, britneyvideos18, and larterps02 from gwen's b-day. i got mandymoore01/07 and natasha10 from mastering christinaaguileramusicvideos. i got wall08, vmpilot01, mandymoore15, and rbilson13 for leveling up from 7 to 8. i got sethgreen08 from the 11th. i got meangirls04 from the 12th. i got rbilson04 and olsens13 from the 13th. i got shadow20 and amandabynes07 from the 14th. i got amandabynes05 and bloom10 from the 15th.

December 10, 2006 - i got salmahayek11, nickcarter05, and lgraham06 from the new sets. i got events05 b/c there are now 200 sets. i got therunway10 and mandymoore10 from the 10th. i got oscars0415 and rbilson06 from guesstheactress. i found bandit and got rbilson08. i got olsens08 from guessthemovie. i got bloom13 and olsens03 from guessthemusicvideo. i got lohan10 from guessthecd. i got shadow09 from guessthelyrics. i got meangirls12 from whosangit

December 9, 2006 - i got meangirls15 and trl38 from the 6th. i got vanessam13 and bloom07 from the 7th. i got awtr08 from the 8th. i got rbilson11 and a mastercard from the 9th.

December 6, 2006 - I got cmm09 and a visa for the 5th.

December 4, 2006 - i got cdcovers07, sundarrival04, and meangirls08 for leveling up. layouts07 b/c of the new layout. got salmahayek13 from the 3rd, meangirls10 from the 2nd, and simpsons12 and rbilson03 from the 1st. and i got cmm08 from the 4th.

December 3, 2006 - i traded christy michelle my xtinaps01 for her mandymoore09. i used 2 AMexpress and 1 visa at the 5th ave shop and recieved emmy05, rbilson09, mandymoore02, and shadow03.

November 29, 2006 - i got favemovies07, reese15, and shadow22 for leveling up from 5 to 6. i got amxpress and shadow01 from fillinktheblank004. i got mandymoore11, cmm15, and a visa for sceneconfusion.

November 27, 2006 - i got benaffleck08, hollycombs07, kylie08, and mandymoore08 from the new sets. took events04 for thanksgiving. i took mandymoore13 and kylie12 from the freebies. i got shadow22 and rmcadams12 from guesstheactress. i got richie02 and reese15. i got rbilson05 from jackedup. i got janiston03 from guessthemovie. i got amandabynes15 and cmm03 from guessthemusicvideo. i got cmm05 from guessthelyrics. i got britneyvideos03 from fillintheblank, britm12 from fillintheblank002, cmm01 and fillintheblank003,

November 22, 2006 - i got events03, milo13, nikkicox13, and sandrab13 from new sets and the wedding. i got britneyvideos11 and britm05 for leveling up. i got doglovers06, sjh01, mandymoore06, and mandymoore06 for making a donating the mandy moore set. i got rbilson15 and amandabynes10 from guessstheactor. i got puzzled10, bloom01, and natasha09 from simplypuzzled. i got shadow16 from guessthecd. i got shadow21 and bloom12 from guesstheactress. i got beengone09 from onceuponatime. i got rbilson10 from guessthelyrics and meangirls13 from whosangit.

November 17, 2006 - i traded my reynolds10 and reynolds13 for shadow08 and britneyvideos07 with catherine. i got supernatural14 and meangirls07 from pickthehottie.

November 15, 2006 - i traded my drewfuller03 for amandabynes13 with christy michelle. i traded my trl14, trl30, reese14 and chandler04 for cmm06, cmm07, cmm14 and christinaa06 with cath.

November 13, 2006 - i got britneyvideos13 and amandabynes09 from guesstheactress. i sent in level badges and recieved behr10, beyonceps05, gwyneth03, notebook11, reynolds10, sclub710, jgyllenhaal13,xtinavideos12, ahathaway05, trl30, keanu08, theod14, sundanceps12, larterps07, angelina06, and xtinavideos02/05/08. i got christinaa08 and olsens04 from guessthe actor. i got shadow17 from guessthemovie. i traded my jgyllenhaal09 for shadow05 with faith. I MASTERED CHRISTINA AGUILERA MUSIC VIDEOS and i leveled up to level 5

November 12, 2006 - i got britneyvideos08, xtinavideos07, and avril13 for leveling up. i traded my portman10 and ashton07 for meangirls01 with catherine2. i referred my sister (Christy Michelle) and recieved scarlettps06. i traded Christy Michelle my puzzled07, mila11, candiesps01, sophia06, and parishilton13 for her ScarletPs02, Bloom06,BritM10,CMM10, shadow13, and britneyvideos14/16. i got vanessam11, silverstone11, and amandabynes11 from new sets. i got shadow24 from guessthelyrics and meangirls09 from whosangit. i got lc02 and janiston04 from the crossword. ive got reese03 from mixedup. i got janiston01 from mixedup2. i recieved meangirls02 from mixedup3 and amandabynes02 and cmm11 from mixedup4. i got amandabynes08 from jackedup.

November 11, 2006 -i traded my reynolds11 for natasha13 with catherine. i realised i didnt take the freebies yet, lol... so i took one05 and portman02. i traded my bandit02 for meangirls05 with ally. i finally finished the crossoword puzzle and i recieved ashlee13 and mischa07. i got drewfuller03, monaghan07, reynolds13, and jgyllenhaal09 from hottie. i traded melissa my emmy01 and one02 for britm04 and xtinavideos15. i got bloom03 from fillintheblank3 and rbilson01 and amexpress from fillintheblank4. i finally figured out the scenceconfusion and got britm02, visa, and scarlettps03. i got scarlettps05 from guessthemovie. i got bloom11 and xtinaps01 from guessthemusicvideo

November 7, 2006 - i traded my doglovers01 and one07 for britm08 and natasha10 with tina. i finally found the 3rd hidden link and recieved britm03 and amexpress

November 6, 2006 - i traded my trl19 for britneyvideos19 with alys. and i traded my bandit05 for britneyvideos02/15 with allie. i found 1 hidden link and got meangirls03. i found the 2nd hidden link and got britm01 and britneyvideos04. i traded my trl21 for britm11 with alys

November 5, 2006 - i got britm15 and shadow07 from guesstheactor. i got xtinavideos06 and trl19 from guesstheactress. i got portman10 from guessthelyrics and colorless06 from whosangit. i took meangirls11 and meangirls14 from the new set. i got beengone14 from guessthemovie. i also got shadow23 from onceuponatime.

November 1, 2006 - i traded my trl02, olsens14, and gotmilk01 for britneyvideos10, xtinavideos01, and shadow18 with colette. i also traded my rmcadams04 for xtinavideos10 with zooey. i got emmy01 and shadow19 from guesstheactor. i got shadow15 and trl32 from guesstheactress. i got shadow11 from guessthecd. i got one02 from guessthelyrics and i picked colorless10 from whosangit. sophia06 from guessthemovie. hilaryduff04 from jacked up. i found bandit and got xtinavideos09 and bandit02. natasha01 from fillintheblanks, shadow25 from fillintheblanks2. i also took the halloween event card. i got travis02, bana02, and xtinavideos04 for leveling up to level 3.

October 25, 2006 - i used my 3 amexpress cards and recieved arielle07, jesssimpson11, and theused11

October 22, 2006 - i leveled up and got siblings12 and natasha03. i took joshjackson07 and portman14 from the new sets. i got shadow02 from guessthelyrics and picked colorless05 from guessthelyrics-who. i got natasha09 and trl21 from guesstheactor. i got gotmilk01 from guessthemovie.i got natasha15 and ashlee11 from guessthemusicvideo. i got rmcadams04 and amexpress from guesstheactorinthemusicvideo. i got olsens14, jlh08, and puzzled09 from simply puzzled.

October 19, 2006 - i found bandit and got candiesps01 and bandit05. i got britneyvideos12 from fillintheblank, nickyhilton05 from fillintheblank2, ashton07 from fillintheblank3, shadow04 and amexpress from fillintheblank4. i got mila11 from mixedup and eva05 from mixedup2. i got xtinavideos14 and puzzled08 from simply puzzled. i got shadow12 and jleto06 from guesstheactor. i got xtinavideos13 and amexpress from guesstheactorinmusicvideo.

October 18, 2006 - i joined Publicity!
i got my starter pack and an extra card b/c the join for wasnt working: chandler04, doglovers01, fox05, magazines07, natasha07, parishilton13, trl34, xtinavideos03, and xtinavideos11. i took sclub704 and britneyvideos17 from freebies. i was allowed to take stuff from the october 11 and 16 updates so i took bosworth12 and reynolds11 from the 11th and mckenzie15 from the 16th. i got reese14 from guessthecd. i got trl02 from guessthelyrics and i picked colorless04 from guessthelyrics- whosangit. i got trl14 from guessthemovie. i got one07 and shadow10 from guessthemusicvideo.
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