If by "celebrate", you mean "give on trick-or-treating with my boys because I had a cold that was winding me and a fever that had my body temperature in degrees previously thought unattainable by a human being", sure.
2. Do you like to dress in costume?
An intergalactic bounty hunter, cleverly disguised just like me.
3. Favorite chocolate?
Extra dark. 70% rules.
4. Best scary movie?
No movie scares me. But I do enjoy them anyway. And I think I gotta go with Halloween, appropriately enough.
Eye of newt, and toe of frog... 1. Did you celebrate Halloween? Not really. When I was a child we used to do apple bobbing. I've come to terms with the trick or treat idea now so do have some treats available for children who bother to dress up. I always carve a pumpkin.
Comments 27
Not really. I do get candy for the kids, but that's about it. I really don't get the big deal about Halloween.
2. Do you like to dress in costume? I used to. Haven't since the kids were little.
3. Favorite chocolate? Milk chocolate.
4. Best scary movie? I don't like scary movies.
5. Friday fill-in:
____ scares me
Sometimes LIFE scares me.
If by "celebrate", you mean "give on trick-or-treating with my boys because I had a cold that was winding me and a fever that had my body temperature in degrees previously thought unattainable by a human being", sure.
2. Do you like to dress in costume?
An intergalactic bounty hunter, cleverly disguised just like me.
3. Favorite chocolate?
Extra dark. 70% rules.
4. Best scary movie?
No movie scares me. But I do enjoy them anyway. And I think I gotta go with Halloween, appropriately enough.
5. Friday fill-in:
____ scares me.
1. Did you celebrate Halloween? Not really. When I was a child we used to do apple bobbing. I've come to terms with the trick or treat idea now so do have some treats available for children who bother to dress up. I always carve a pumpkin.
2. Do you like to dress in costume? Never
3. Favorite chocolate? All chocolate is good
4. Best scary movie? Don't do scarey movies
5. Friday fill-in:
This scares me.
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