I love reading your journal. I find you truly intriguing and I really like the way you write. You appear to me as a delicate girl, you want to be loved but you're learning how to deal with certain things. I don't know you very well and I don't comment on your journal that often but I always make time to read it. x
i think you're lovely and pure. on one hand i would wish you were a little wiser (and older) so you'd know you don't have to worry about things so much and that things have a way of working out for the best (which means sometimes it seems things are wrong and unfair, but in the end you'll look back and say 'ahh, i see now, i wonder why i was so miserable about that back then" but on the other hand naievity is such a wonderful treasure and i'd say "hang on to it for as long as possible!".
I wish you were more confident in yourself, because I think you're a very beautiful person - inside and out, you're amazing, and you deserve all the happiness in the world.
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