The Wall Street Journal named Pieta Brown's 'Remember the Sun' one of the "best discs of 2007 from unheralded artists who, in a more enlightened era, would be celebrated for their passion and creativity."
(Album of a very good friend's that I worked on in it's entirety and sang some bkgd vox for.)
100% Dennis Kucinich 98% Mike Gravel 82% John Edwards 79% Chris Dodd 79% Barack Obama 76% Joe Biden 75% Hillary Clinton 72% Bill Richardson 31% Rudy Giuliani 27% Ron Paul 20% John McCain 15% Mike Huckabee 13% Mitt Romney 11% Tom Tancredo 5% Fred Thompson
This holiday season I'll be in Minneapolis a grand total of- wait for it!- TWO DAYS. Barely! So, I've decided I will have one fully social what have you evening... I'm thinking Friday at the CC. (The 21st.)
"Someone composed an opera around BillO's recorded, creepy-and-awkward phone call to Andrea Mackris. I'd never heard the actual tape dialog and just...WOW, Bill."