Well, it's been an interesting week alright. I will soon get round to posting about all the various events which have happened when I was ill, but one of the more interesting events, which wasn't exactly mine but was close enough, was
alextiefling getting a new job! The very first one he applied for. Grrr...
Also, during the time I was under the weather,
m00nsquirrel had a birthday, and I didn't get to celebrate that either.
So, in honour of both these exciting events, we will be having drinks this evening in
The Pommeler's Rest on Tower Bridge Road, from around 5:30 onwards. I don't think it'll run insanely late, as we're all still recuperating here, but please come and join us if you're free at all and in town. There may be card games too!
If you need further details, please call me. I have no credit atm (boo!), but I will have my phone on.