Happy Monday, dearest hostiles of mine.
http://www.friendlyhostility.com Episode 731
:: Look, it's our friend from March 25, 2009's bonus comics (formerly available on livejournal, now available on the FH site). And, uh, from other previous comics. :)
:: I think this is the first time Leon is called Leon in this comic. Well, there you go. Collin's laundry buddy is called Leon.
:: I am not very good at drawing kittens yet, but I am practicing. Those are meant to be Persian-y kittens - if you have ever seen Persian kittens, you know they tend to look either very, very sad or very, very surprised. I find this fact equally adorable and hilarious.
:: I love Collin in panel four. He's so smiley.
:: Leon mentions he has a kid in panel five; you can see him holding up a tee shirt of hers in panel four.
:: Collin has never enjoyed a Streisand song. Ever.
:: I had a professor that used to Nyquil his hyperactive nephews to get them to calm down. Needless to say, this is not an approved method of sedating children. Please do not take advice based purely off this comic.
:: ...I forgot the "next week's preview" on Friday again, didn't I? Damn. All right, ahem. Today, well, you saw that Collin's place has been usurped by kittens.
On Wednesday, Collin gets tongue-tied.
On Friday, Collin has some confessions to make in his filler material.
And just in case I forget again, on Monday, Collin disapproves of profanity.
:: I don't know what to do for the filler material next week. I can continue with character confessions, or previews of characters from the new comics. What do you think? What would you like to see as filler material?