It's Wednesday! And I have no idea when during my day-long conference I'll get time to post this. I'll find it somehow. As I write this, it is 9:20 pm and I am frying bacon. Because I need bacon for
the Devil's Cookies, that's why. Episode 732
:: Collin doesn't generally get flirted with by people with which he actually feels a bit of a spark. I like that Leon sort of flusters Collin. I mean, check Collin out in panel two. He's blushing, fercrissakes.
:: Yes, Collin, remember that you have a boyfriend.
:: I like Leon's confidence, not only that Collin will leave Fox, but that Collin will date a few other guys and then come back to Leon.
:: Collin likes being called handsome. And look, another blush!
:: And panel five features Collin remembering himself. Ahem. So, kittens!
:: I love that in panel six, Collin can't even make eye contact.
[ For those who are wondering about the cookies, it is now 10:30, the cookies are out, and they are pretty darn good. When you're sprinkling the salt on, though, I'd err in the direction of more rather than less. I'd also err in the direction of a few more extra strips of bacon. Also, do not underestimate the richness of the cookies. I did, and now at 10:50, I am paying for it with a thirst nothing can quench.]
[Morning after: Damn those cookies. My gallbladder hurts.]