Episode 733 - I can't think of a title...

May 25, 2009 11:21

...because I am distracted by Fox's nipple-hair. Heh. Happy Monday, dearest hostiles.


Episode 733

:: Why is Fox walking around shirtless and, let's face it, probably clad only in his boxer shorts? Because he's home, that's why.
:: Collin enjoys having a laundry buddy he flirts with a little. Don't worry, he's not cheating on Fox or anything.
:: That flier is one of those lame instances where I crack up at my own jokes. For me it's the "ARE THEY YOURS?!" and possibly the fact that instead of leaving his number, he leaves a space for your number. And, I don't know, he'll walk around collecting them later. It's not a good idea to fill that out.
:: There's still a thread of political ambition left in Collin. Honestly, let's face it, the man wants power.
:: Fox isn't really a cat person or he'd suggest adopting the kittens themselves. He's still holding out for an iguana.
:: God, I love his hairy nipples. I wish I'd thought of adding them in sooner than I did.
:: ...huh. Some of the kitten scratches are harder to see than I thought they'd be. Well, he's scratched up and covered in kittens. I get my point across.
:: You haven't seen a lot of Leon Ratterly yet (mostly because he doesn't belong in this comic :D), but my intent is to portray him as very different from Fox. Fox might occasionally be a dork, but his heart is in the right place, and he's always seen himself as a hero, trying to do what's right. That's a hell of a lot more than we can say for Leon, as you'll find out if you follow the new comic.
::This, by the way, was the storyline I added way back in February when I said I'd add another short storyline as a bonus.
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