Good morning, my dear hostiles. Please do not come after my blood until you see where this goes on Friday. :: The song for this comic was The Flaming Lips' "Buggin'," which I always thought was a rather Fox-y song.
:: I love Collin in panel one. And in panel three, also.
:: Collin was really hoping that Fox would stay away from action-reporting, remember? Fox was keeping that small fact from Collin until what Fox determined to be a good point to come out with it. This, Fox thought, was a good way to do it. Just slip it into the conversation when they're both in a good place in life.
:: Friday's comic strives to wrap this up - is that even doable in one comic? I don't know, but I gave it a try, and I'm pleased with the way this comic ends. It's definitely a hopeful note, for those of you who are worried. But we'll talk about that on Friday.
:: I used the ferret-in-bunny-ears icon for those of you who needed an emergency dose of cute.