There is nothing more exciting than watching the bad guys get taken away on CSI or Psych or something but I'm not a big believer in 'delivering justice', it's really not an issue for a guy like me. I mean, crap, I think I'm a goldfish, what do I care about the justice system?
Sure, it's a big deal if you live in a heavily populated area that has a lot of crime. I used to live in New York City, now there is a city riddled with crime and in dire need of more ass kicking cops to get the job done. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone police brutality but they damn sure need someone serious about bringing assholes to justice.
Now, back to the topic: praying for justice. I honestly can't remember a time where I've done that at all. Like I said, I really don't care. I have no reason to pray for justice, like, should I really pray that this affliction of mine is taken away or what? Don't think so. I kinda like being different, and honestly, it gives me something to talk about (or my days at the Buy More would be incredibly boring...not like they aren't already).
So, leave the 'justice' to CSI, dudes. They do it a lot easier, and they look good in make-up while doing it.
Muse: Lou Turner
Fandom: Original Character/Chuck
Word Count: 230