the_bigshow: 75 times?!? [ch. 2.14.4.J]

May 08, 2008 13:37

[75 Times a Day?!]

That's almost slightly disturbing to even think about. Really. Why do the little bastards have to do it so much? Maybe I'm a bit jealous but seriously, isn't that a little much? I'm so over animals humping all the damn time, they make me think about how I haven't been humping all the time, and then I just want to eat them for my dinner after that.

Hamsters are feral things, I never found the appeal in keeping them as pets. They like, shit all over the place and then sleep in it - Hell, nearly all animals do that but still, 'cute and fluffy' doesn't appeal to me anyways. I guess I have to attribute that to my extreme and unhealthy love for fish. The scales, man, the scales. I wish I could live in an aquarium or something, but then I might not ever get laid, which would be almost tragic.

75 times a day. Damn. I still can't believe that. Is it accomplishing anything? Is it? Are they just humping to hump or is it like, just to make sure he knocks the chick hamster up? I'm so confused. I want to know why I'm not humping 75 times a day! I think that should be illegal for animals to do if I can't do it, because, honestly, that's just unfair.

Muse: Lou Turner
Fandom: Original Character
Word Count: 223

thebigshow, tbs: lou turner, tbs: 2.14.4.j

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