Listening to: Youth Group - Forever Young
- It was really windy in Toronto today. Like, a step away from tornado-style wind. I had to go to school today, so I went to the bus stop. Wind was raging from every direction. There are several newspaper stands there, and the wind was so strong that it knocked two of them over. I had my earphones on and
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Comments 2
Karmic revenge. If this isn't Holy Revenge, then I know not what can possibly qualify: I was finishing up prayer and I wasn't really in tune with the entire process. I put my hand next to the sofa/sofa bed and the bed collapsed on my finger. Ouch.
Funny how karma works, isn't it? Everything's all fine and dandy until something like this happens and then for a split second, you think, "Why me?!" but then you think for a moment longer and then it's like, "Oh. Right."
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