Round 6 - Challenge 10 (Semifinals)

Jun 23, 2012 19:05

Welcome to Challenge ten of Round six and therefore our Semifinals!
Congrats for making it this far! :)

  • The community rules are located here.
  • You may only use the provided screencaps.
    • Textures, brushes, text are allowed.
    • Other images and/or stock images are NOT allowed.
    • Blending is allowed.
    • Animations are not allowed for this challenge.
  • You have to submit TWO icons and ONE promotion banner (please check out the rules for submission guidelines!).
  • All comments are screened.
  • Do not post your entries anywhere else until the results are published.
  • Entries are due Wednesday, July 4th - 11:59PM PST Pacific Standard Time

If you have any questions concerning the challenge, please let me know. :)

Special Rules:
You have to make 2 icons from one of these pictures.

Icon #1: An icon should be black and white.
Icon#2: Make whatever you want from provided pic.

Promotion Banner:

You can choose any picture or pictures you want. Make a Promotion Banner for the next round.

Width: 350 px
Height: Whatever you like
Text: Make sure the banner has "Fringe_Lims Round 7" or something similar, in readable text somewhere on it.

04. sayuri_x
09. fan_cifully
12. mark_pierre

Skips are no longer allowed.

semifinals, round 06, challenge 10, r.06 c.10

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