Thanks for voting. Here are the results for challenge 06 of round 06.
Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to...
clarissadaloway (with -5)
I'm sorry to see you go, but I hope you will stick around for voting and the Comeback Challenge later on. :)
People's Choice:
blondeboy69 (with +2)
midsummerly (with +2)
(I know it's not the same picture, but I hope this one is okay as well. :))
Please let me know if there's anything wrong with them. :)
+ are positive/favorite votes
- are negative/least favorite votes
/ these icon(s) didn't receive any votes
01. +2 -2 = 0
02. +2 -0 = +2
03. +2 -0 = +2
04. +1 -0 = +1
05. +0 -5 = -5
Please comment with your icon numbers if you would like to see your votes!
Let me know whether you want your feedback in a screened or unscreened comment.
The new challenge will be posted tomorrow.