I've been keeping this current and wondered, since the end of the month is coming up, if it was time to make an announcement about the deadline for getting work posted for this challenge. I'll be glad to do that, and to post any remaining work that comes in to the gallery and here - but I was hoping someone else might do the poll. I'm getting down to my own deadlines with Quills for a Cause at the end of the month and have two piece of art to finish. o_O
Comments 3
I've been keeping this current and wondered, since the end of the month is coming up, if it was time to make an announcement about the deadline for getting work posted for this challenge. I'll be glad to do that, and to post any remaining work that comes in to the gallery and here - but I was hoping someone else might do the poll. I'm getting down to my own deadlines with Quills for a Cause at the end of the month and have two piece of art to finish. o_O
Thanks! :)
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