Continuing to study for two more tests tomorrow, then I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee till January anywho.
I got a call back from an application I put in at H&R block for some seasonal work. They want me to come in for an interview Saturday. It'd be nice to have something to do while I'm not at school.
which has a ton of cool mask ideas and sales masks for SUPER cheep! They also sale a lot of other costuming type stuff ya'll might want to check out! They really have GREAT prices!
Hope everyone has a great holiday and gets stuffed!! *Huggles*
oh, and if ya'll could, I'm putting together addresses for invetations for our wedding, so if you think you'd get an invite (or really want one!) then please email me your address, even if you think I already have it!! Thanks ya'll~~jana 90 mh @ hotmail dot com
For those who weren't there or haven't heard yet: We're engaged! Johnny purposed at Monday night dance class. The date is set for Sat, Aug 4th so mark your calendars!! huggles ~Fairy
Hi all! I'm finished with Camp now!! Got home late Wed. night... still unpacking... Anywho. I will be celebrating at the Church on Sunday night if you'd like to come, please do!! Well, catch ya cats laterz! ~Fairy
Well, we ended up not going to the Church last week, too tired and Smurf was sick and had to get up to cart his boss around...blah...blah...blah... SOOOOO
We're going out this Thursday night, so plan on coming!!