How not to parent, according to Adrianna Dalland.
That's not too bad.
Yeah, that doesn't mean she's hungry.
I think Adrianna is a secret Pleasure Sim. You would never believe she's Fortune (and her secondary aspiration is Family).
She at least has the decency to stop playing games long enough for Brianne's birthday.
Slightly better.
Brianne (it's actually Brianne now, thanks to the wonders of SimPE) Dalland
Sloppy 2
Outgoing 8
Lazy 3
Serious 3
Nice 9
Total 25
And I figured out REALLY early on that her preferred hobby is arts and crafts zomg!!!11
The activity table is possibly the cutest thing ever.
Yes, she's knocked up again because Brianne looks too much like her father. Sorry, Don, your genes just don't cut it.
Since Adrianna's hobby... preference... is nature, I got them a bird. His name is Darcy.
Lulz, five seconds after he did the "OMG MY WIFE IS NEKKED!!" shocked face.
Damn nanny did this every freaking day.
You'd never believe Don is a Fortune Sim, he rolls so many Family wants. He did that even before I made his secondary aspiration Family.
Here is Brianne as a child.
She looks REALLY excited. Or maybe she's on crack. Either one.
She must've forgotten this part.
It's... another girl! Hoyay. Everyone is excited. Her name is Zoe.
No, really, they are.
"My parents kind of fail."
Brianne, on the other hand, is rockin' the creativity skill. (And the family is already rolling in dough, since Don has so many skill points he is just raking in the promotions.) I think she had eight points by this time.
That explains the fashion sense. Drugs are bad, kids.
Zoe's birthday. Still lookin' too much like Don, methinks.
She is not pleased with this, either.
I give her an appropriate shirt.
Zoe Dalland
Sloppy 4
Outgoing 7
Active 8
Serious 3
Grouchy 3
Total 25
Her personality is a clone of Don's. Not a likely heir candidate.
So, other than letting the bird out every freakin' day, the nanny doesn't actually suck.
Oh, this is how Adrianna shows her Family side. "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I AM A BREADWINNER!!" You also smell to high heaven, woman. Go take a shower.
Zoe is cute.
Adrianna is pregnant.
Zoe is a child. YAYES.
Zoe is a sports girl, too, actually. It took me a while to figure this out, unlike with Brianne, who pretty much knew from birth she was an ARTEEST.
Inappropriate dinner conversations 101.
"Congratulations on being in love with me, honey!" He does this all the damn time.
She looks apprehensive this time. Maybe she hasn't forgotten...
ANOTHER GIRL. This one is Olivia. Plz to not look like Don. Three is my limit.
At this point I cave and invite the headmaster, because both parents have the wants to get both Brianne and Zoe into private school, and I'm sick of them clogging up half the want slots.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL Zoe, you sure know how to pick 'em.
Brianne is a teenager! She rolls Family, with the LTW to be Captain Hero. Piddly easy, and I don't think she'll be heir, to be honest. I like her, but she looks too much like Don.
Zoe is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Being a Family Sim, Brianne immediately wanted her first kiss, so I invited over the druggie kid who was her only childhood friend (I grew him up when she aged into a teen) and she put on the charm.
She was a teen for all of about five hours before getting her first kiss. WIN.
Oh, quit complaining.
...and go smustle in the bathroom?
"OMG I hate my daughter's artsy stuff!"
Birthday tiemz!
YAY! She looks good!
Olivia Dalland
Neat 7
Outgoing 6
Lazy 3
Playful 8
Grouchy 3
Total 27
Hey, nice, and a different personality spread from her sisters, too. I think we may have heir material here.
She's cute, even when picking her nose.
Brianne makes up for some of her mother's neglect.
Somewhere in there, Olivia became a child and I forgot to get a good pic of her. So here she is with Zoe doing her GAMING IS SRS BIZNES thing. Gaming is her preferred hobby.
Brianne maxes her creativity skill. When she's not painting, she's at the pottery wheel.
Don, even for his weird genes, is a great Sim. I love him to bits. He does this stuff autonomously all the time. That's Zoe...
And that's Olivia, getting the same treatment. Say it with me: D'awwwww.
Zoe joins Brianne as a teen.
She rolls Romance, and I didn't catch her LTW before I quit, so I'll mention that first thing in the next update.
Whew, big one! Hopefully the next update will start us on the college years.