It's here. It's finally here. : D
Special SPECIAL thanks to you
lyrastar77 for finding the time to beta for me, despite the tremendous stress you've been under. Sweeter than sweet you are - and a true friend to cherish. Mmmmwahhhh!
Watchin’ and Wonderin’
Author: Frodo_naatulien
Pairing: F/S
Rating: PG-13
Watchin' and Wonderin' )
Comments 41
Isn't Middle Earth News just fabulous?! So glad you decided to stop in and read.
This is a very sweet and loving fic.
Thank you very much! Ahhhh, but wait until the follow-up.
*squee* It makes me very happy to see that so many are pleased with my Sam voice. : )
(And, sorry, I sent this twice because I meant to use my Sam icon.)
May I friend you also? I just popped over to your memories page and I see that you write F/S too. Oh boy, more F/S. I love it! I'll be reading those very soon. : D
I came here through Middle Earth News. Loved reading your fic. Do write more, please! Friended you! :)
Oh, thank you so much! Welcome! Mmm, yes, there will be more.
And LOVE your icon ; )
Thanks for sharing this!
A very big thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story.
But he's watching and knowing and protecting anyway, which is just SO like Sam.
Absolutely! I think that is what makes Sam so endearing! : )
And then there's that lovely reward at the end, the promise of a special dance just for the two of them... just lovely.
*is so happy* Thank you so much!
Oh, you are more than welcome. You really deserve so much more you know. I just can't thank you enough. It means more to me than you know - for you to have taken the time that you so did not have and beta these two stories for me. A simple 'thank you' hardly seems adequate for what you've done, but I do thank you. And I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! : )
*Hugs you madly*
*squee-is so happy-waves* Thank you everybody!!! : D
Ah, just lovely! I'm so glad you're continuing this. Cheers!
Awww, thank you! Thank you so much.
You know, Sam just started blabbin' away to me one day and I just started typing. : ) And OH! Frodo can certainly make a body yearn, can't he?
I'm so glad you liked it, Mariole. Thank you for reading.
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