I'm back on LJ, after a long hiatus due to the craziness of the end of the year and putting things together for the move to Germany.
I'm sitting here enjoying a lazy morning, a big brunch, and some VERY strong coffee after a busy day of packing yesterday. I filled 8 boxes, and have two more to go. But, even now I think I'm going to have to order more, as I have managed to accumulate SO much stuff in the last few years, here. I've found that that's always the way, however, and should have thought of that when I ordered the first 10 boxes last week. Oh, well...
I check out of the flat on the 30th, and hopefully can arrange for the shippers to pick the boxes up the same day. Then, although the landlords are more than happy for me to stay overnight and leave from here on the 31st, Shyrrill has invited me to stay that night, as she is also flying out Tuesday and has a ride to the airport. It will depend on how much luggage I end up with, I suppose. As well as how I feel.
This last week I've experienced some feelings of regret, loss, and a bit of nervousness. I dropped Robert off at the airport Wednesday morning, after a late night in London at some of our favourite haunts, and I got a bit emotional saying 'good-bye,' no, 'see you later.' I slept better than I have in a long time with him here, and loved having him around that morning. Maybe I am ready to have someone in my life, again. I hope I find that in Munich. I will miss Robert bunches, though. I plan to come visit asap, hopefully in October.
School has been as nuts as ever, and the weather here just as crap as it has been all summer. Friday the area around the school flooded, and we thought we might have to close, although we were surrounded by water and I don't know how we would've gotten the children to their parents. Nuts. But then, the skies cleared up and it ended up hot and sunny. Crazy English weather! This is the worst summer I've experienced, here. I hope the weather is better in Germany!
I've been busy, but I've been trying to make time to do some of my favourite things for the last time whilst I can. I went to Twickenham last weekend and bummed around a bit, and Wedneday night I've booked to go see The Lord of the Rings musical. I hope to make one more trip into London on my own, but we'll see what happens. Also want to see the new Harry Potter movie before I go.
In the meantime, I'll try to check in here when I can. Sorry I've been so absent, lately, but there hasn't been much to talk about other than school-related stuff, anywho.