Well, just got back after a rather frantic, but rewarding, trip to London and back to see The Musical.
Still digesting the new version, but I have to say that I was, overall, VERY impressed. It's hard b/c I remember some of the TO production, but it's been over a year so the little details are fuzzy, but from what I can remember of it, I think this version is definitely tighter, has more impact as far as the staging is concerned, and I think quotes the book more often (always a plus, as far as I'm concerned!). A few knit-picky things still bother me, like the way they still pulled the PJ thing and had Frodo tell Sam to 'go away,' and that he didn't need him in order to get Frodo alone for Shelob's attack (OMG, that spider was SOOOO creepy, this time! Made me squirm in my seat! The lighting was awesome!) and then, after Sam kills her, Frodo is still freaking out about the ring and attacks Sam...I guess they all feel they have to do that in order to show just how powerful the ring is at that stage in the story. (sigh) I don't know. It just really bothers me. Why can't they leave my boys' relationship alone?
And, of course b/c they cut it to 3 hours, some plot lines were also cut, but that didn't bother me, overall. In fact, I think they added - or maybe replaced is a better word - some scenes that worked much better. Boromir was certainly more effective (It's his picture on the posters all over the public transport stations, as well as Galadriel. I think that's interesting. The actor was really good, however. He really made you sympathise with his position.). Also, fewer battle scenes and more character development, although less singing would have been nice...
The orcs in the audience I was expecting, but was NOT expecting them to appear when they did, so that WAS quite effective, and scary but in a fun way. Quite a few screams from the audience, although we were all laughing, as well! Fun! The Balrog scene was also fun, even though the Balrog itself looks so fake. Still, the fog and the wind and the confetti flying around is fantastic - I saved a bit that blew by me. Gollum climbing down the stage was awesome, although I was glad it wasn't me doing it!
I was late: crazy story - pulled a typical 'me' thing and answered the phone as I was getting ready to leave, which meant I left later than I should've and literally had to run to the theatre. It was funny b/c there were other people running with me, and we all got lost with the messed-up directions from the website. Robert had told me it was 5 minutes from Covent Garden, so I hadn't panicked until I couldn't find it. We were lucky they let us in, and b/c I was late I had to take another seat that wasn't as good, with a man in front of me that kept leaning over and blocking my view. But, it was interesting b/c he kept taking notes all through the show. Reviewer, or fan? I didn't ask. There were obviously a LOT of fans in the audience though, b/c I overheard quite a few discussions about plot changes, character development, etc...I tried to find my actual seat during the break, but someone was in it and, as she was foreign and there with a child, I just let her have it. She was kind of rude at first, but then said 'you're very kind' when I told her just to stay there.
Favourite bits: Frodo saying to Bilbo in Rivendell after receiving Sting and the mithril shirt that he was excited about the adventure but it was also scary. Bilbo replied: that's how adventures are. Made me tear up b/c that's what I'm feeling atm. VERY appropriate!
The fact that Gandalf told the history of the ring during the production, rather than having a prologue (although, I'm just assuming they cut the prologue, as I missed it. I arrived when Gandalf was telling Frodo about the ring, about 10 minutes into the performance.). It seemed to flow better, that way. But, it was funny, as much as I liked it that they were trying to incorporate bits of history, other information, and dialogue into the story, sometimes it seemed a bit, well, like they were trying to pull the hardcore fans in with it, such as when Gandalf mentioned going to see Tom Bombadil and explained who he was. I was like, 'yeah, yeah, get on with it! Waste of time, at this point!' Although, there were some chuckles from the crowd.
And, of course, 'THE song!' It was even sweeter this time, with the main Sam (we had the understudy when we saw it in TO). It also seemed to have another verse, although I can't remember clearly. So nice! They cut the 'you'll eat if I have to sit on you' line (I wonder why?!!), but Sam's performance was awesome and stood out as one of the best (along with Boromir and Gollum). I even heard some Americans discussing that very thing on the way to the tube station after the show! Sam definitely shone out as the hero of the hobbits, although Frodo had some moments ('you shall have neither the ring, nor me!'), as well as Merry and Pip. But, when did Pip ever have a tree-phobia?
During the intermission, I treated myself to a drink and a 'theatre pack,' which came with a programme, special souvenir book (REALLY lovely!), and a poster (not the hobbits, as they have sold out of that one, but I think it's the first advert poster, which is cool. I was afraid it would be Galadriel!). I felt like I should have some memory of this production, as I didn't buy anything in TO.
All in all, as a fan, I would say that it was worth it, and I'm glad I saw both versions. It's still not perfect, but I think they've done a good job with what they have to work with, and time constraints. I have to say, I'm hard to please when it comes to movies and the theatre these days, and I often find myself checking the time b/c things seem to drag. This didn't, and I was swept up in the story most of the time. And I didn't get as angry about plot changes as I did with PJ's version, although that may be b/c I'm used to them, by now. I would see it again. And, if you are in London whilst it is still playing and you are a fan, check it out! Even if you aren't, it's still a good show. The staging alone will be worth it, although why in the hell do the elves have to look like they are signing whilst they talk and sing? Am I missing something? I kept thinking: 'if they are signing in elvish, what's the point? Very few people in the audience can understand elvish, anyway...why sign? :)
Sorry, that was cheeky, but it did look a bit silly...
On that note, I'm off to read some fanfic...
Oh, PS, the quote on my icon was also used! And, the souvenir book has loads of awesome quotes and pix. SO glad I bought it!